Roman Wyrzykowski
Roman Wyrzykowski
Потвърден имейл адрес: icis.pcz.pl
Parallel processing and applied mathematics
R Wyrzykowski, J Dongarra, K Karczewski, J Wasniewski
Springer, 2008
Model-based optimization of EULAG kernel on Intel Xeon Phi through load imbalancing
A Lastovetsky, L Szustak, R Wyrzykowski
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (3), 787-797, 2016
Parallel Implementation of Cholesky LL T -Algorithm in FPGA-Based Processor
O Maslennikow, V Lepekha, A Sergiyenko, A Tomas, R Wyrzykowski
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 7th International Conference …, 2008
Parallelization of 2D MPDATA EULAG algorithm on hybrid architectures with GPU accelerators
R Wyrzykowski, L Szustak, K Rojek
Parallel Computing 40 (8), 425-447, 2014
PARA 2008
B Allan, O Anshus, DA Bader, A Bencini, X Cai, R Ciegis, JC Cunha, ...
Euripides: Helen, 0
Adaptation of fluid model EULAG to graphics processing unit architecture
KA Rojek, M Ciznicki, B Rosa, P Kopta, M Kulczewski, K Kurowski, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (4), 937-957, 2014
Flexible systolic architecture for VLSI FIR filters
R Wyrzykowski, S Ovramenko
IEE Proceedings E (Computers and Digital Techniques) 139 (2), 170-172, 1992
Mapping recursive algorithms into processor arrays
R Wyrzykowski, JS Kanevski, O Maslennikov, M Vajtersic, P Zinterhof
Proc. Int. Workshop ParNumerics' 94, Smolenice, 169-191, 1994
AI-accelerated CFD simulation based on OpenFOAM and CPU/GPU computing
K Rojek, R Wyrzykowski, P Gepner
Computational Science–ICCS 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow …, 2021
Object-oriented approach to finite element modeling on clusters
R Wyrzykowski, T Olas, N Sczygiol
International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, 250-257, 2000
Correlation of performance optimizations and energy consumption for stencil-based application on Intel Xeon scalable processors
L Szustak, R Wyrzykowski, T Olas, V Mele
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (11), 2582-2593, 2020
Towards efficient decomposition and parallelization of MPDATA on hybrid CPU-GPU cluster
R Wyrzykowski, L Szustak, K Rojek, A Tomas
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 9th International Conference, LSSC 2013 …, 2014
Toward efficient distribution of MPDATA stencil computation on Intel MIC architecture
L Szustak, K Rojek, R Wyrzykowski, P Gepner
Proce. HiStencils 14 (51-56), 2.6, 2014
Systematic adaptation of stencil‐based 3D MPDATA to GPU architectures
K Rojek, R Wyrzykowski, L Kuczynski
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (9), e3970, 2017
FEM computations on clusters using different models of parallel programming
T Olas, K Karczewski, A Tomas, R Wyrzykowski
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 4th International Conference …, 2002
Parallel finite element modeling of solidification processes
R Wyrzykowski, N Sczygiol, T Olas, J Kanevski
Parallel Computation: 4th International ACPC Conference Including Special …, 1999
One-dimensional processor arrays for linear algebraic problems
R Wyrzykowski, JS Kanevski, L Piech
IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques 142 (1), 1-4, 1995
Clusterix: National cluster of linux systems
R Wyrzykowski, N Meyer, M Stroinski
Proc. 2nd European Across Grids, 2004
Energy‐aware mechanism for stencil‐based MPDATA algorithm with constraints
K Rojek, A Ilic, R Wyrzykowski, L Sousa
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (8), e4016, 2017
Model-driven adaptation of double-precision matrix multiplication to the cell processor architecture
R Wyrzykowski, K Rojek, L Szustak
Parallel Computing 38 (4-5), 260-276, 2012
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