Aritra Mandal
Aritra Mandal
Потвърден имейл адрес: intel.com
Ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy of the excess proton in liquid water
M Thämer, L De Marco, K Ramasesha, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
Science 350 (6256), 78-82, 2015
Water vibrations have strongly mixed intra-and intermolecular character
K Ramasesha, L De Marco, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
Nature chemistry 5 (11), 935-940, 2013
Singlet fission in covalent terrylenediimide dimers: probing the nature of the multiexciton state using femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy
M Chen, YJ Bae, CM Mauck, A Mandal, RM Young, MR Wasielewski
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (29), 9184-9192, 2018
Ultrafast 2D IR anisotropy of water reveals reorientation during hydrogen-bond switching
K Ramasesha, ST Roberts, RA Nicodemus, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (5), 2011
Collective vibrations of water-solvated hydroxide ions investigated with broadband 2DIR spectroscopy
A Mandal, K Ramasesha, L De Marco, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (20), 2014
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy reveals excitation energy-dependent state mixing during singlet fission in a terrylenediimide dimer
A Mandal, M Chen, ED Foszcz, JD Schultz, NM Kearns, RM Young, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (51), 17907-17914, 2018
Proton transfer in concentrated aqueous hydroxide visualized using ultrafast infrared spectroscopy
ST Roberts, K Ramasesha, PB Petersen, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (16), 3957-3972, 2011
Free energy difference to create the M-OH* intermediate of the oxygen evolution reaction by time-resolved optical spectroscopy
I Vinogradov, S Singh, H Lyle, M Paolino, A Mandal, J Rossmeisl, T Cuk
Nature materials 21 (1), 88-94, 2022
Vibrational dynamics of aqueous hydroxide solutions probed using broadband 2DIR spectroscopy
A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of chemical physics 143 (19), 2015
Steric interactions impact vibronic and vibrational coherences in perylenediimide cyclophanes
JD Schultz, AF Coleman, A Mandal, JY Shin, MA Ratner, RM Young, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (23), 7498-7504, 2019
Transient two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy: Coherent dynamics at arbitrary times along the reaction coordinate
A Mandal, JD Schultz, YL Wu, AF Coleman, RM Young, MR Wasielewski
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (13), 3509-3515, 2019
Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of a Quasifree Rotor: Scrambling and Perfectly Anticorrelated Cross Peaks
A Mandal, G Ng Pack, PP Shah, S Erramilli, LD Ziegler
Physical Review Letters 120 (10), 103401, 2018
Origin of dispersive line shapes in plasmonically enhanced femtosecond stimulated Raman spectra
A Mandal, S Erramilli, LD Ziegler
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (37), 20998-21006, 2016
Perylene bisimide cyclophanes: Structure–property relationships upon variation of the cavity size
J Rühe, D Bialas, P Spenst, AM Krause, F Würthner
Organic Materials 2 (02), 149-158, 2020
Role of fatty acid in controlling nucleation and growth of CdS nanocrystals in solution
NS Karan, A Mandal, SK Panda, N Pradhan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (19), 8873-8876, 2010
Local and collective reaction coordinates in the transport of the aqueous hydroxide ion
ST Roberts, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (28), 8062-8069, 2014
Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy from the gas to liquid phase: Density dependent J-scrambling, vibrational relaxation, and the onset of liquid character
GN Pack, MC Rotondaro, PP Shah, A Mandal, S Erramilli, LD Ziegler
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (38), 21249-21261, 2019
A phenomenological approach to modeling chemical dynamics in nonlinear and two-dimensional spectroscopy
K Ramasesha, L De Marco, AD Horning, A Mandal, A Tokmakoff
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (13), 2012
Vibrational line shape effects in plasmon-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopies
A Mandal, LD Ziegler
The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (19), 2021
Vibrational dynamics of aqueous hydroxide solutions studied using ultrafast infrared spectroscopy
A Mandal
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
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