Guidelines in nonholonomic motion planning for mobile robots JP Laumond, S Sekhavat, F Lamiraux Robot motion planning and control, 1-53, 2005 | 507 | 2005 |
Kinematic control of redundant manipulators: Generalizing the task-priority framework to inequality task O Kanoun, F Lamiraux, PB Wieber IEEE Transactions on Robotics 27 (4), 785-792, 2011 | 448 | 2011 |
The Pinocchio C++ library: A fast and flexible implementation of rigid body dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives J Carpentier, G Saurel, G Buondonno, J Mirabel, F Lamiraux, O Stasse, ... 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 614-619, 2019 | 417 | 2019 |
Smooth motion planning for car-like vehicles F Lamiraux, JP Lammond IEEE transactions on robotics and automation 17 (4), 498-501, 2001 | 262 | 2001 |
Reactive path deformation for nonholonomic mobile robots F Lamiraux, D Bonnafous, O Lefebvre IEEE transactions on robotics 20 (6), 967-977, 2004 | 241 | 2004 |
Metric-based iterative closest point scan matching for sensor displacement estimation J Minguez, L Montesano, F Lamiraux IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22 (5), 1047-1054, 2006 | 217 | 2006 |
Planning paths for elastic objects under manipulation constraints F Lamiraux, LE Kavraki The International Journal of Robotics Research 20 (3), 188-208, 2001 | 197 | 2001 |
TALOS: A new humanoid research platform targeted for industrial applications O Stasse, T Flayols, R Budhiraja, K Giraud-Esclasse, J Carpentier, ... 2017 IEEE-RAS 17th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids …, 2017 | 193 | 2017 |
Motion planning and control for Hilare pulling a trailer F Lamiraux, S Sekhavat, JP Laumond IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 15 (4), 640-652, 1999 | 167 | 1999 |
Move3D: A generic platform for path planning T Siméon, JP Laumond, F Lamiraux Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task …, 2001 | 166 | 2001 |
Metric-based scan matching algorithms for mobile robot displacement estimation J Minguez, F Lamiraux, L Montesano Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005 | 153 | 2005 |
Motion planning and obstacle avoidance J Minguez, F Lamiraux, JP Laumond Springer handbook of robotics, 827-852, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
Prioritizing linear equality and inequality systems: application to local motion planning for redundant robots O Kanoun, F Lamiraux, PB Wieber, F Kanehiro, E Yoshida, JP Laumond 2009 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 2939-2944, 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
Fast humanoid robot collision-free footstep planning using swept volume approximations N Perrin, O Stasse, L Baudouin, F Lamiraux, E Yoshida IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (2), 427-439, 2011 | 135 | 2011 |
A local collision avoidance method for non-strictly convex polyhedra F Kanehiro, F Lamiraux, O Kanoun, E Yoshida, JP Laumond Proceedings of robotics: science and systems IV 33, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Part orientation with one or two stable equilibria using programmable force fields KF Bohringer, BR Donald, LE Kavraki, F Lamiraux IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 16 (2), 157-170, 2000 | 116 | 2000 |
Dynamic walking and whole-body motion planning for humanoid robots: an integrated approach S Dalibard, A El Khoury, F Lamiraux, A Nakhaei, M Taïx, JP Laumond The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (9-10), 1089-1103, 2013 | 108 | 2013 |
Deformable volumes in path planning applications E Anshelevich, S Owens, F Lamiraux, LE Kavraki Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000 | 97 | 2000 |
A practical approach to feedback control for a mobile robot with trailer F Lamiraux, JP Laumond Proceedings. 1998 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation …, 1998 | 95 | 1998 |
Whole-body task planning for a humanoid robot: a way to integrate collision avoidance S Dalibard, A Nakhaei, F Lamiraux, JP Laumond 2009 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 355-360, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |