Tarun C. Khanna
Boninites from the Neoarchaean Gadwal greenstone belt, Eastern Dharwar craton, India: implications for Archaean subduction processes
C Manikyamba, SM Naqvi, DVS Rao, MR Mohan, TC Khanna, TG Rao, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 230 (1-2), 65-83, 2005
Enriched and depleted arc basalts, with Mg-andesites and adakites: A potential paired arc–back-arc of the 2.6 Ga Hutti greenstone terrane, India
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, M Satyanarayanan, AK Krishna
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (6), 1711-1736, 2009
Geochemistry of the NeoArchaean high-Mg basalts, boninites and adakites from the Kushtagi–Hungund greenstone belt of the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC); implications for the …
SM Naqvi, RMK Khan, C Manikyamba, MR Mohan, TC Khanna
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 27 (1), 25-44, 2006
Geochemical systematics of komatiite–tholeiite and adakitic-arc basalt associations: The role of a mantle plume and convergent margin in formation of the Sandur Superterrane …
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, AK Krishna, M Satyanarayanan
Lithos 106 (1-2), 155-172, 2008
Rapid quantitative determination of major and trace elements in silicate rocks and soils employing fused glass discs using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
AK Krishna, TC Khanna, KR Mohan
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 122, 165-171, 2016
Crustal growth processes as illustrated by the Neoarchaean intraoceanic magmatism from Gadwal greenstone belt, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India
C Manikyamba, TC Khanna
Gondwana Research 11 (4), 476-491, 2007
Hafnium–neodymium isotope systematics of the 2.7 Ga Gadwal greenstone terrane, Eastern Dharwar craton, India: implications for the evolution of the Archean depleted mantle
TC Khanna, M Bizimis, GM Yogodzinski, S Mallick
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 127, 10-24, 2014
Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic black shales from the Intracontinental Cuddapah basin, India: implications for provenance, tectonic setting, and weathering intensity
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, I Gonzalez-Alvarez, R Mathur, TC Khanna
Precambrian Research 162 (3-4), 424-440, 2008
Evolution of ca. 2.5 Ga Dongargarh volcano-sedimentary Supergroup, Bastar craton, Central India: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology, bulk-rock geochemistry and Hf-Nd …
TC Khanna, M Bizimis, DL Barbeau Jr, AK Krishna, VVS Sai
Earth-Science Reviews 190, 273-309, 2019
Petrogenesis of Basalt–high-Mg Andesite–Adakite in the Neoarchean Veligallu Greenstone Terrane: geochemical evidence for a rifted back-arc crust in the eastern Dharwar craton …
TC Khanna, VVS Sai, M Bizimis, AK Krishna
Precambrian Research 258, 260-277, 2015
Geochemistry of adakites and rhyolites from the Neoarchaean Gadwal greenstone belt, eastern Dharwar craton, India: implications for sources and geodynamic setting
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, DV Subba Rao
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44 (11), 1517-1535, 2007
Petrogenesis of ultramafics in the Neoarchean Veligallu greenstone terrane, eastern Dharwar craton, India: Constraints from bulk-rock geochemistry and Lu-Hf isotopes
TC Khanna, VVS Sai, M Bizimis, AK Krishna
Precambrian Research 285, 186-201, 2016
Paleoproterozoic magmatism in the Cuddapah basin, India
VVS Sai, V Tripathy, S Bhattacharjee, TC Khanna
J. Ind. Geophys. Union (November 2017) 21 (6), 516-525, 2017
Geochemical evidence for a paired arc-back-arc association in the Neoarchean Gadwal greenstone belt, eastern Dharwar craton, India
TC Khanna
Curr. Sci 104 (5), 632-640, 2013
∼ 2.1 Ga intraoceanic magmatism in the Central India Tectonic Zone: Constraints from the petrogenesis of ferropicrites in the Mahakoshal supracrustal belt
TC Khanna, DVS Rao, M Bizimis, M Satyanarayanan, AK Krishna, ...
Precambrian Research 302, 1-17, 2017
Petrogenesis of mafic alkaline dikes from the~ 2.18 Ga Mahbubnagar Large Igneous Province, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Geochemical evidence for uncontaminated …
TC Khanna, VVS Sai, GC Zhao, DVS Rao, AK Krishna, SS Sawant, ...
Lithos 179, 84-98, 2013
New observations on Rajahmundry Traps of the Krishna-Godavari basin
G Lakshminarayana, C Manikyamba, TC Khanna, PP Kanakdande, ...
Journal of the Geological Society of India 75, 807-819, 2010
Geochemistry of adakites and rhyolites from Gadwal greenstone belt, India: implications on their tectonic setting
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, DV Subba Rao
Can. J. Earth Sci 44, 1517-1535, 2007
Bore-hole well-cores provide evidence for crustal heterogeniety beneath the Koyna-Warna reservoir site, Deccan Volcanic Province, India
TC Khanna, K Arora, H Raza, RK Chadha, HK Gupta
Journal Geological Society of India 96, 36-42, 2020
ca. 2.1 Ga Mahakoshal Supracrustal Belt: An allochthonous terrain in Central India Tectonic Zone
TC Khanna, DVS Rao, VVS Sai, M Satyanarayanan
Lithos 374, 105705, 2020
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