Christian Glusa
Christian Glusa
Потвърден имейл адрес: sandia.gov
What Is the Fractional Laplacian? A Comparative Review with New Results
A Lischke, G Pang, M Gulian, F Song, C Glusa, X Zheng, Z Mao, W Cai, ...
Journal of Computational Physics, 109009, 2019
Numerical methods for nonlocal and fractional models
M D’Elia, Q Du, C Glusa, M Gunzburger, X Tian, Z Zhou
Acta Numerica 29, 1-124, 2020
Aspects of an adaptive finite element method for the fractional Laplacian: a priori and a posteriori error estimates, efficient implementation and multigrid solver
M Ainsworth, C Glusa
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 327, 4-35, 2017
Towards an efficient finite element method for the integral fractional Laplacian on polygonal domains
M Ainsworth, C Glusa
Contemporary Computational Mathematics-A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of …, 2018
A priori error estimates for the optimal control of the integral fractional Laplacian
M D'Elia, C Glusa, E Otárola
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (4), 2775-2798, 2019
Hybrid Finite Element--Spectral Method for the Fractional Laplacian: Approximation Theory and Efficient Solver
M Ainsworth, C Glusa
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (4), A2383-A2405, 2018
MueLu User's Guide.
L Berger-Vergiat, CA Glusa, JJ Hu, C Siefert, RS Tuminaro, M Matthias, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia …, 2019
EMPIRE-PIC: A Performance Portable Unstructured Particle-in-Cell Code
M Bettencourt, D Brown, K Cartwright, E Cyr, C Glusa, P Lin, S Moore, ...
Commun. Comput. Phys., 2021
An optimization-based approach to parameter learning for fractional type nonlocal models
O Burkovska, C Glusa, M D'Elia
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2021
Error Estimates for the Optimal Control of a Parabolic Fractional PDE
C Glusa, E Otárola
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (2), 1140-1165, 2021
Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers
C Glusa, EG Boman, E Chow, S Rajamanickam, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (6), C384-C409, 2020
A fractional model for anomalous diffusion with increased variability: Analysis, algorithms and applications to interface problems
M D'Elia, C Glusa
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 38 (6), 2084-2103, 2022
A FETI approach to domain decomposition for meshfree discretizations of nonlocal problems
X Xu, C Glusa, M D’Elia, JT Foster
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 387, 114148, 2021
Is the Distance Geometry Problem in NP?
N Beeker, S Gaubert, C Glusa, L Liberti
Distance Geometry, 85-93, 2013
Sphynx: A parallel multi-GPU graph partitioner for distributed-memory systems
S Acer, EG Boman, CA Glusa, S Rajamanickam
Parallel Computing 106, 102769, 2021
A Fast Solver for the Fractional Helmholtz Equation
C Glusa, H Antil, M D'Elia, B van Bloemen Waanders, CJ Weiss
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (2), A1362-A1388, 2021
Machine-learning of nonlocal kernels for anomalous subsurface transport from breakthrough curves
X Xu, M D'Elia, C Glusa, JT Foster
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11146, 2022
Experimental evaluation of multiprecision strategies for GMRES on GPUs
JA Loe, CA Glusa, I Yamazaki, EG Boman, S Rajamanickam
2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2021
MueLu multigrid framework
L Berger-Vergiat, CA Glusa, JJ Hu, M Mayr, A Prokopenko, CM Siefert, ...
URL http://trilinos. org/packages/muelu, 2019
An asymptotically compatible coupling formulation for nonlocal interface problems with jumps
C Glusa, M D’Elia, G Capodaglio, M Gunzburger, PB Bochev
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45 (3), A1359-A1384, 2023
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