Bradley E. Iott
Characterization of Medicaid policy for immediate postpartum contraception
MH Moniz, VK Dalton, MM Davis, J Forman, B Iott, J Landgraf, T Chang
Contraception 92 (6), 523-531, 2015
Application of mixed methods in health services management research: a systematic review
SYD Lee, B Iott, J Banaszak-Holl, SF Shih, M Raj, KE Johnson, ...
Medical Care Research and Review 79 (3), 331-344, 2022
Trust and privacy: how patient trust in providers is related to privacy behaviors and attitudes
BE Iott, C Campos-Castillo, DL Anthony
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2019, 487, 2020
The impact of stigma on HIV testing decisions for gay, bisexual, queer and other men who have sex with men: a qualitative study
BE Iott, J Loveluck, A Benton, L Golson, E Kahle, J Lam, JA Bauermeister, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 471, 2022
Income and income inequality are a matter of life and death. What can policymakers do about it?
ALV Avanceña, EK DeLuca, B Iott, A Mauri, N Miller, D Eisenberg, ...
American Journal of Public Health 111 (8), 1404-1408, 2021
Uncovering the relationship between food-related discussion on Twitter and neighborhood characteristics
VGV Vydiswaran, DM Romero, X Zhao, D Yu, I Gomez-Lopez, JX Lu, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 (2), 254-264, 2020
Family caregivers’ experiences with telehealth during COVID-19: Insights from Michigan
M Raj, B Iott, D Anthony, J Platt
The Annals of Family Medicine 20 (1), 69-71, 2022
Comparative analysis of recruitment strategies in a study of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Metropolitan Detroit
BE Iott, TC Veinot, J Loveluck, E Kahle, L Golson, A Benton
AIDS and Behavior 22, 2296-2311, 2018
Community-based surveillance of maternal deaths in rural Ghana
J Adomako, GQ Asare, A Ofosu, BE Iott, T Anthony, AS Momoh, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 94 (2), 86, 2015
Hybrid bag of approaches to characterize selection criteria for cohort identification
VGV Vydiswaran, A Strayhorn, X Zhao, P Robinson, M Agarwal, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (11), 1172-1180, 2019
Obesity and the receipt of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis
RPJJG John A. Harris, Michelle H. Moniz, Brad Iott
BMC Obesity 3 (1), 24, 2016
More than a database: understanding community resource referrals within a socio-technical systems framework
BE Iott, C Eddy, C Casanova, TC Veinot
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2020, 583, 2021
Physician awareness of social determinants of health documentation capability in the electronic health record
BE Iott, MS Pantell, J Adler-Milstein, LM Gottlieb
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29 (12), 2110-2116, 2022
Family caregiver access of online medical records: findings from the health information national trends survey
B Iott, M Raj, J Platt, D Anthony
Journal of General Internal Medicine 36, 3267-3269, 2021
" Bacon bacon bacon": food-related tweets and sentiment in metro Detroit
VG Vydiswaran, D Romero, X Zhao, D Yu, I Gomez-Lopez, J Lu, B Iott, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 12 (1), 2018
Provision of social care services by US hospitals
B Iott, D Anthony
The Milbank Quarterly 101 (2), 601-635, 2023
“It’sa mess sometimes”: patient perspectives on provider responses to healthcare costs, and how informatics interventions can help support cost-sensitive care decisions
OK Richards, BE Iott, TR Toscos, JA Pater, SR Wagner, TC Veinot
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29 (6), 1029-1039, 2022
Characterizing the relative frequency of clinician engagement with structured social determinants of health data
BE Iott, J Adler-Milstein, LM Gottlieb, MS Pantell
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 30 (3), 503-510, 2023
Evaluation of family caregivers’ use of their adult care recipient’s patient portal from the 2019 health information national trends survey: secondary analysis
M Raj, B Iott
JMIR aging 4 (4), e29074, 2021
Architecture and initial development of a knowledge-as-a-service activator for computable knowledge objects for health
AJ Flynn, P Boisvert, N Gittlen, C Gross, B Iott, C Lagoze, G Meng, ...
Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created …, 2018
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