AK Singh
AK Singh
DDG, Horticulture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR, New Delhi India
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Genetic diversity of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes revealed by RAPD markers and agronomic traits
SS Dey, AK Singh, D Chandel, TK Behera
Scientia Horticulturae 109 (1), 21-28, 2006
Comparative analysis of genetic diversity in Indian bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) using RAPD and ISSR markers for developing crop improvement strategies
TK Behera, AK Singh, JE Staub
Scientia Horticulturae 115 (3), 209-217, 2008
Genetic diversity within the genus Solanum (Solanaceae) as revealed by RAPD markers
AK Singh, R Singh, S Kumar, G Kalloo
Current science, 711-716, 2006
Firmness characteristics of mango hybrids under ambient storage
SK Jha, S Sethi, M Srivastav, AK Dubey, RR Sharma, DVK Samuel, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 97 (2), 208-212, 2010
Effect of putrescine and paclobutrazol on growth, physiochemical parameters, and nutrient acquisition of salt-sensitive citrus rootstock Karna khatta (Citrus karna Raf.) under …
DK Sharma, AK Dubey, M Srivastav, AK Singh, RK Sairam, RN Pandey, ...
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 30, 301-311, 2011
Relative efficiency of DNA markers (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) in detecting genetic diversity of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
TK Behera, AB Gaikward, AK Singh, JE Staub
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88 (4), 733-737, 2008
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) induced hardening of micropropagated pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) plantlets
NV Singh, SK Singh, AK Singh, DT Meshram, SS Suroshe, DC Mishra
Scientia Horticulturae 136, 122-127, 2012
Low temperature storage of mango (Mangifera indica L.) pollen
SK Dutta, M Srivastav, R Chaudhary, K Lal, P Patil, SK Singh, AK Singh
Scientia Horticulturae 161, 193-197, 2013
Assessing genetic relationships among bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) accessions using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers
AK Singh, TK Behera, D Chandel, P Sharma, NK Singh
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 82 (2), 217-222, 2007
Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis provides strategies for improvement of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
AB Gaikwad, TK Behera, AK Singh, D Chandel, JL Karihaloo, JE Staub
HortScience 43 (1), 127-133, 2008
Microbial and inorganic fertilizers application influenced vegetative growth, yield, leaf nutrient status and soil microbial biomass in sweet orange cv. Mosambi.
VB Patel, SK Singh, R Asrey, L Nain, AK Singh, L Singh
Indian J Hort. 66 (2), 103-108, 2009
Standardization of embryo rescue technique and bio-hardening of grape hybrids (Vitis vinifera L.) using Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under sub-tropical conditions
NV Singh, SK Singh, AK Singh
VITIS-Journal of Grapevine Research 50 (3), 115, 2015
Genetic diversity in ber (Ziziphus spp.) revealed by AFLP markers
AK Singh, RK Sharma, NK Singh, KC Bansal, KR Koundal, T Mohapatra
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 81 (2), 205-210, 2006
CRISPR/Cas genome editing in tomato improvement: Advances and applications
JK Tiwari, AK Singh, TK Behera
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1121209, 2023
Female sex-associated RAPD marker in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.)
G Singh, M., Kumar, S, A. K. Singh, Ram, D. and Kalloo
Current science 82 (2), 131-132, 2002
Leaf Transcriptome Sequencing for Identifying Genic-SSR Markers and SNP Heterozygosity in Crossbred Mango Variety ‘Amrapali’(Mangifera indica L.)
AK Mahato, N Sharma, A Singh, M Srivastav, SK Singh, AK Singh, ...
PloS one 11 (10), e0164325, 2016
Effect of salinity stress on growth and nutrient uptake in polyembryonic mango rootstocks
P Pandey, AK Singh, AK Dubey, OP Awasthi
Indian Journal of Horticulture 71 (1), 28-34, 2014
Paclobutrazol minimises the effects of salt stress in mango (Mangifera indica L.)
A Kishor, M Srivastav, AK Dubey, AK Singh, RK Sairam, RN Pandey, ...
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 84 (4), 459-465, 2009
Assessment of genetic diversity in Ziziphus mauritiana using inter-simple sequence repeat markers
AK Singh, P Sharma, R Singh, B Singh, KR Koundal, NK Singh
Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology 16 (1), 35-40, 2007
Association analysis for pomological traits in mango (Mangifera indica L.) by genic-SSR markers.
S Lal, AK Singh, SK Singh, M Srivastav, BP Singh, N Sharma, NK Singh
Trees: Structure and Function 31 (5), 1391-1409, 2017
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