Elena Leroux
Elena Leroux
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering, IRISA/UBS, France
Потвърден имейл адрес: irisa.fr
STG: A symbolic test generation tool
D Clarke, T Jéron, V Rusu, E Zinovieva
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2002
Symbolic test selection based on approximate analysis
B Jeannet, T Jéron, V Rusu, E Zinovieva
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 11th …, 2005
Automated test and oracle generation for smart-card applications
D Clarke, T Jéron, V Rusu, E Zinovieva
Smart Card Programming and Security: International Conference on Research in …, 2001
STG: a tool for generating symbolic test programs and oracles from operational specifications
D Clarke, T Jéron, V Rusu, E Zinovieva
Proceedings of the 8th European software engineering conference held jointly …, 2001
Safe reconfiguration of Coqcots and Pycots components
J Buisson, F Dagnat, E Leroux, S Martinez
Journal of Systems and Software 122, 430-444, 2016
Coqcots & Pycots: non-stopping components for safe dynamic reconfiguration
J Buisson, E Calvacante, F Dagnat, E Leroux, S Martinez
Proceedings of the 17th international ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component …, 2014
A formal approach for architecting software-intensive systems-of-systems with guarantees
F Oquendo, J Buisson, E Leroux, G Moguérou
2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 14-21, 2018
ArchSORS: A software process for designing software architectures of service-oriented robotic systems
LBR Oliveira, E Leroux, KR Felizardo, F Oquendo, EY Nakagawa
The Computer Journal 60 (9), 1363-1381, 2017
The SosADL studio: an architecture development environment for software-intensive systems-of-systems
F Oquendo, J Buisson, E Leroux, G Moguérou, J Quilbeuf
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Software-intensive Systems-of …, 2016
Méthodes symboliques pour la génération de tests de systemes reactifs comportant des données
E Zinovieva-Leroux
Rennes 1, 2004
Towards a process to design architectures of service-oriented robotic systems
LBR Oliveira, E Leroux, KR Felizardo, F Oquendo, EY Nakagawa
Software Architecture: 8th European Conference, ECSA 2014, Vienna, Austria …, 2014
Architecture-based conformance testing
E Leroux, F Oquendo, Q Xiong
The Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA …, 2013
Symbolic test generation for reactive systems
E Zinovieva
MOVEP'2002: modeling and verification of parallel processes (Nantes, 17-21 …, 2001
Analyzing automata with presburger arithmetic and uninterpreted function symbols
V Rusu, E Zinovieva
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 50 (4), 327-341, 2001
Test de conformité basé sur l'architecture logicielle
E Leroux, F Oquendo, Q Xiong
7ème Conférence francophone sur les architectures logicielles (CAL'2013), ??-??, 2013
The SoS Architect Studio: Toolchain for the Formal Architecture Description and Analysis of Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems with SosADL
F Oquendo, J Buisson, E Leroux, G Moguérou, J Quilbeuf
Proceedings of the ECSA International Colloquium on Software-intensive …, 2016
Validation de systèmes en utilisant l’architecture logicielle: l’approche fondée sur filetest
E Leroux, F Oquendo, Q Xiong
7ème Conférence francophone sur les architectures logicielles, 2013
Symbolic Test Generation for Reactive Systems with Data.
E Leroux
Université Rennes 1, 2004
Verifying Invariants More Automatically
V Rusu, E Zinovieva, D Clarke
Third International Workshop on Verification and Computational Logic, VCL 2, 2002
A Collaboration policy model for system of systems
ZM Belay, E Jee, YM Baek, B Doo-Hwan, O Maurice, F Oquendo, ...
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