Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem
Plant Breeding and Genetics, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Потвърден имейл адрес: iub.edu.pk
Breeding approaches for bacterial leaf blight resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.), current status and future directions
MA Khan, M Naeem, M Iqbal
European Journal of Plant Pathology 139, 27-37, 2014
Potassium application improves grain yield and alleviates drought susceptibility in diverse maize hybrids
S Ul-Allah, M Ijaz, A Nawaz, A Sattar, A Sher, M Naeem, U Shahzad, ...
Plants 9 (1), 75, 2020
Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
M Imran, A Shakeel, FM Azhar, J Farooq, MF Saleem, A Saeed, W Nazeer, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (3), 2790-2800, 2012
Response of cotton genotypes to water and heat stress: from field to genes
M Iqbal, S Ul-Allah, M Naeem, M Ijaz, A Sattar, A Sher
Euphytica 213, 1-11, 2017
Heterosis and gene action study of agronomic traits in diploid and autotetraploid rice
MQ Shahid, G Liu, J Li, M Naeem, XD Liu
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science 61 (1), 23-32, 2011
Inducing drought tolerance in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), accomplishments and future prospects
M Iqbal, MA Khan, M Naeem, U Aziz, J Afzal, M Latif
World Appl. Sci. J 21 (7), 1062-1069, 2013
Toxicity of proteins secreted by entomopathogenic fungi against Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
S Freed, J Feng-Liang, M Naeem, R Shun-Xiang, M Hussian
International journal of agriculture and biology 14 (2), 2012
Genetic analysis and hybrid vigor study of grain yield and other quantitative traits in autotetraploid rice
MQ Shahid, HM Xu, SQ Lin, ZX Chen, M Naeem, YJ Li, XD Liu
Pak J Bot 44 (1), 237-246, 2012
Yield and yield components in autotetraploid and diploid rice genotypes ('Indica and Japonica') sown in early and late seasons
MQ Shahid, YJ Li, MF Saleem, M Naeem, CM Wei, XD Liu
Australian journal of crop science 7 (5), 632-641, 2013
Genetic basis of ion exclusion in salinity stressed wheat: Implications in improving crop yield
M Naeem, M Iqbal, A Shakeel, S Ul-Allah, M Hussain, A Rehman, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 92, 479-496, 2020
Effects of silicon and selenium in alleviation of drought stress in rice
F Ghouri, Z Ali, M Naeem, S Ul-Allah, M Babar, FS Baloch, WS Chattah, ...
Silicon 14 (10), 5453-5461, 2022
Toxicological effects of neem (Azadirachta indica), Kanair (Nerium oleander) and spinosad (Tracer 240 SC) on the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)(Herbst.)
A Hameed, S Freed, A Hussain, M Iqbal, M Hussain, M Naeem, A Sajjad, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 7 (4), 555-560, 2012
Improving the performance of bread wheat genotypes by managing irrigation and nitrogen under semi-arid conditions
S Ul-Allah, M Iqbal, S Maqsood, M Naeem, M Ijaz, W Ashfaq, M Hussain
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 64 (12), 1678-1689, 2018
Diversity in phenolic compounds, biochemical and pomological characteristics of Arbutus unedo fruits
M Gündoğdu, S Ercisli, I Canan, E Orman, M Sameeullah, M Naeem, ...
Folia Horticulturae 30 (1), 139, 2018
Genetic basis and principal component analysis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown under water deficit condition
A Ullah, A Shakeel, HGMD Ahmed, M Naeem, M Ali, AN Shah, L Wang, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 981369, 2022
Genetic diversity in mutated and non-mutated rice varieties
M Naeem, F Ghouri, MQ Shahid, M Iqbal, FS Baloch
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015
Assessment of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) germplasm for combining abilities in fiber traits
FM Azhar, M Naeem
Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 4, 129-131, 2008
Genome-wide association mapping for high temperature tolerance in wheat through 90k SNP array using physiological and yield traits
HGMD Ahmed, M Naeem, Y Zeng, MAR Rashid, A Ullah, A Saeed, ...
Plos one 17 (1), e0262569, 2022
Studies of genetic variation for yield related traits in upland cotton
M Iqbal, M Naeem, M Rizwan, W Nazeer, MQ Shahid, U Aziz, T Aslam, ...
American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture and Environment Science 13 (5), 611-618, 2013
An overview of cotton leaf curl virus disease, persistant challenge for cotton production.
M Iqbal, M Naeem, U Aziz, J Afzal, MA Khan
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