Elena S Sorokina
The laser radiation action on the biological objects
AN Malov, AY Seteikin, AV Neupokoeva, ES Musatova, IE Golub, ...
Optik 124 (23), 6034-6041, 2013
Sapphire megacrysts in syenite pegmatites from the Ilmen Mountains, South Urals, Russia: New mineralogical data
ES Sorokina, S Karampelas, TP Nishanbaev, SN Nikandrov, ...
The Canadian Mineralogist 55 (5), 823-843, 2017
LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of rutile inclusions within corundum (ruby and sapphire): new constraints on the formation of corundum deposits along the Mozambique belt
ES Sorokina, D Rösel, T Häger, R Mertz-Kraus, JM Saul
Mineralium Deposita 52, 641-649, 2017
Rubies and sapphires from Snezhnoe, Tajikistan
ES Sorokina, AK Litvinenko, W Hofmeister, T Häger, DE Jacob, ...
Gems Gemol 51, 160-175, 2015
Origin of blue sapphire in newly discovered spinel–chlorite–muscovite rocks within meta-ultramafites of Ilmen Mountains, South Urals of Russia: Evidence from mineralogy …
ES Sorokina, MA Rassomakhin, SN Nikandrov, S Karampelas, ...
Minerals 9 (1), 36, 2019
Corundum anorthosites-kyshtymites from the South Urals, Russia: A combined mineralogical, geochemical, and U-Pb zircon geochronological study
MI Filina, ES Sorokina, R Botcharnikov, S Karampelas, MA Rassomakhin, ...
Minerals 9 (4), 234, 2019
Morphological and chemical evolution of corundum (ruby and sapphire): Crystal ontogeny reconstructed by EMPA, LA-ICP-MS, and Cr3+ Raman mapping
ES Sorokina, W Hofmeister, T Häger, R Mertz-Kraus, S Buhre, JM Saul
American Mineralogist 101 (12), 2716-2722, 2016
Multiphase fluid inclusions in blue sapphires from the Ilmen Mountains, southern Urals.
ES Sorokina, JI Koivula, J Muyal, S Karampelas, TP Nishanbaev, ...
Gems & Gemology 52 (2), 2016
C3G overexpression in glomerular epithelial cells during anti-GBM-induced glomerulonephritis
VA Rufanova, E Lianos, A Alexanian, E Sorokina, M Sharma, A McGinty, ...
Kidney international 75 (1), 31-40, 2009
Petrogenesis of the Snezhnoe ruby deposit, Central Pamir
AK Litvinenko, ES Sorokina, T Häger, YA Kostitsyn, RE Botcharnikov, ...
Minerals 10 (5), 478, 2020
Sapphire-bearing magmatic rocks trace the boundary between paleo-continents: A case study of Ilmenogorsky alkaline complex, Uralian collision zone of Russia
ES Sorokina, RE Botcharnikov, YA Kostitsyn, D Rösel, T Häger, ...
Gondwana research 92, 239-252, 2021
Some features of corundum ontogeny and the quality of ruby from Snezhnoe deposit, Tajikistan (the Eastern Pamirs)
ES Sorokina, EG Ozhogina, DE Jacob, W Hofmeister
Zap. PMQ 6, 95-103, 2012
Ontogeny and quality of gem ruby from the deposits of Central and South-East Asia
ES Sorokina
Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Fedorovsky All-Russian Research Institute of …, 2011
Genetic linkage of corundum plagioclasites–kyshtymites and miaskites of the Ilmenogorsky–Vishnevogorsky complex, South Urals, Russia: new Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic, geochemical …
MI Filina, ES Sorokina, MA Rassomakhin, NN Kononkova, YA Kostitsyn, ...
Geochemistry International 57, 821-828, 2019
New Data on the Genetic Linkage of the Beryl and Chrysoberyl Chromophores of the Ural’s Emerald Mines with Chromium-Bearing Spinels of the Bazhenov Ophiolite Complex
MP Popov, ES Sorokina, NN Kononkova, AG Nikolaev, S Karampelas
Doklady Earth Sciences 486, 630-633, 2019
Variscite from Central Tajikistan: preliminary results
AK Litvinenko, ES Sorokina, S Karampelas, NN Krivoschekov, R Serov
Gems & Gemology 52 (1), 60-65, 2016
Origin of Uralian andradite (var. demantoid): Constraints from in situ U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dating and trace element analysis
ES Sorokina, R Albert, RE Botcharnikov, MP Popov, T Häger, ...
Lithos 444, 107091, 2023
Relations between morphology of corundum and trace element composition (Зависимость формы кристаллов корунда от состава примесей)
ES Sorokina
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva (Записки Российского …, 2021
Margarite-rock-forming mineral from Snezhnoe ruby deposit, Central Pamir
AK Litvinenko, ZZ Nasreddinov, ES Sorokina
Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration, 80-82, 2015
Минералого-геохимические особенности корундового миаскит-пегматита копи№ 210 (Ильменские горы, Южный Урал): предварительные результаты
МА Рассомахин, ЕС Сорокина, АВ Сомсикова
Минералогия 6 (2), 38-54, 2020
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