A. Joy Rivera-Rodriguez
A. Joy Rivera-Rodriguez
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Clemson University
Потвърден имейл адрес: chw.org
Healthcare information on YouTube: a systematic review
KC Madathil, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, JS Greenstein, AK Gramopadhye
Health informatics journal 21 (3), 173-194, 2015
SEIPS 2.0: a human factors framework for studying and improving the work of healthcare professionals and patients
RJ Holden, P Carayon, AP Gurses, P Hoonakker, AS Hundt, AA Ozok, ...
Ergonomics 56 (11), 1669-1686, 2013
Human factors systems approach to healthcare quality and patient safety
P Carayon, TB Wetterneck, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, AS Hundt, P Hoonakker, ...
Applied ergonomics 45 (1), 14-25, 2014
Interruptions and distractions in healthcare: review and reappraisal
AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, BT Karsh
BMJ Quality & Safety 19 (4), 304-312, 2010
Information chaos in primary care: implications for physician performance and patient safety
JW Beasley, TB Wetterneck, J Temte, JA Lapin, P Smith, ...
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 24 (6), 745-751, 2011
Identifying electronic health record usability and safety challenges in pediatric settings
RM Ratwani, E Savage, A Will, A Fong, D Karavite, N Muthu, AJ Rivera, ...
Health affairs 37 (11), 1752-1759, 2018
Automation and adaptation: nurses’ problem-solving behavior following the implementation of bar-coded medication administration technology
RJ Holden, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, H Faye, MC Scanlon, BT Karsh
Cognition, Technology & Work 15, 283-296, 2013
A change management framework for macroergonomic field research
RJ Holden, CKL Or, SJ Alper, AJ Rivera, BT Karsh
Applied ergonomics 39 (4), 459-474, 2008
A socio-technical systems approach to studying interruptions: Understanding the interrupter's perspective
AJ Rivera
Applied ergonomics 45 (3), 747-756, 2014
Involving intensive care unit nurses in a proactive risk assessment of the medication management process
H Faye, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, BT Karsh, AS Hundt, C Baker, P Carayon
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 36 (8), 376-AP1, 2010
Human factors and systems engineering approach to patient safety for radiotherapy
AJ Rivera, BT Karsh
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 71 (1), S174-S177, 2008
Online-Sexualaufklärung auf YouTube: Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Sexualpädagogik
N Döring
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 30 (04), 349-367, 2017
A human factors engineering study of the medication delivery process during an anesthetic
Y Yang, AJ Rivera, CR Fortier, JH Abernathy
Anesthesiology 124 (4), 795-803, 2016
Use, perceived usability, and barriers to implementation of a patient safety dashboard integrated within a vendor EHR
K Bersani, TE Fuller, P Garabedian, J Espares, E Mlaver, A Businger, ...
Applied clinical informatics 11 (01), 034-045, 2020
‘Strangers in a strange land’: Understanding professional challenges for human factors/ergonomics and healthcare
SJ Perry, K Catchpole, AJ Rivera, SH Parker, J Gosbee
Applied ergonomics 94, 103040, 2021
Qualitative ergonomics/human factors research in health care: current state and future directions
RS Valdez, KM McGuire, AJ Rivera
Applied Ergonomics 62, 43-71, 2017
Challenges in measuring the impact of interruption on patient safety and workflow outcomes
F Magrabi, SYW Li, AG Dunn, E Coeira
Methods of information in medicine 50 (05), 447-453, 2011
Optimizing the user experience: identifying opportunities to improve use of an inpatient portal
DM Walker, T Menser, PY Yen, AS McAlearney
Applied clinical informatics 9 (01), 105-113, 2018
Determining primary care physician information needs to inform ambulatory visit note display
MA Clarke, LM Steege, JL Moore, RJ Koopman, JL Belden, MS Kim
Applied clinical informatics 5 (01), 169-190, 2014
Occupational macroergonomics: Principles, scope, value, and methods
RJ Holden, AJ Rivera, P Carayon
IIE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors 3 (1), 1-8, 2015
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