Linquan Bai
Linquan Bai
UNC Charlotte
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Distribution locational marginal pricing (DLMP) for congestion management and voltage support
L Bai, J Wang, C Wang, C Chen, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4061-4073, 2018
Interval optimization based operating strategy for gas-electricity integrated energy systems considering demand response and wind uncertainty
L Bai, F Li, H Cui, T Jiang, H Sun, J Zhu
Applied energy 167, 270-279, 2016
Security-constrained bi-level economic dispatch model for integrated natural gas and electricity systems considering wind power and power-to-gas process
G Li, R Zhang, T Jiang, H Chen, L Bai, X Li
Applied energy 194, 696-704, 2017
Optimal dispatch strategy for integrated energy systems with CCHP and wind power
G Li, R Zhang, T Jiang, H Chen, L Bai, H Cui, X Li
Applied energy 192, 408-419, 2017
Sizing of energy storage and diesel generators in an isolated microgrid using discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
J Xiao, L Bai, F Li, H Liang, C Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (3), 907-916, 2014
Distributed energy storage planning in soft open point based active distribution networks incorporating network reconfiguration and DG reactive power capability
L Bai, T Jiang, F Li, H Chen, X Li
Applied Energy 210, 1082-1091, 2018
Convex optimization based distributed optimal gas-power flow calculation
C Wang, W Wei, J Wang, L Bai, Y Liang, T Bi
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (3), 1145-1156, 2017
Day-ahead coordinated operation of utility-scale electricity and natural gas networks considering demand response based virtual power plants
H Cui, F Li, Q Hu, L Bai, X Fang
Applied Energy, 2016
Determination of the optimal installation site and capacity of battery energy storage system in distribution network integrated with distributed generation
J Xiao, Z Zhang, L Bai, H Liang
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (3), 601-607, 2016
A framework of residential demand aggregation with financial incentives
Q Hu, F Li, X Fang, L Bai
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 497-505, 2016
Robust Scheduling for Wind Integrated Energy Systems Considering Gas Pipeline and Power Transmission N-1 Contingencies
L Bai, F Li, T Jiang, H Jia
IEEE Trans Power Systems, 2017
Optimal energy flow and nodal energy pricing in carbon emission-embedded integrated energy systems
T Jiang, H Deng, L Bai, R Zhang, X Li, H Chen
CSEE Journal of Power and energy Systems 4 (2), 179-187, 2018
Peer-to-peer joint electricity and carbon trading based on carbon-aware distribution locational marginal pricing
Z Lu, L Bai, J Wang, J Wei, Y Xiao, Y Chen
IEEE transactions on power systems 38 (1), 835-852, 2022
Online pricing of demand response based on long short-term memory and reinforcement learning
X Kong, D Kong, J Yao, L Bai, J Xiao
Applied energy 271, 114945, 2020
Day-ahead scheduling of multi-carrier energy systems with multi-type energy storages and wind power
R Zhang, T Jiang, G Li, H Chen, X Li, L Bai, H Cui
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 4 (3), 283-292, 2018
Stochastic low-carbon scheduling with carbon capture power plants and coupon-based demand response
X Li, R Zhang, L Bai, G Li, T Jiang, H Chen
Applied energy 210, 1219-1228, 2018
Day-ahead optimal scheduling method for grid-connected microgrid based on energy storage control strategy
K Xiangyu, BAI Linquan, HU Qinran, LI Fangxing, W Chengshan
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 1-11, 2016
Distribution market-clearing and pricing considering coordination of DSOs and ISO: An EPEC approach
H Chen, L Fu, L Bai, T Jiang, Y Xue, R Zhang, B Chowdhury, J Stekli, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (4), 3150-3162, 2021
Mean-variance optimization-based energy storage scheduling considering day-ahead and real-time LMP uncertainties
X Fang, BM Hodge, L Bai, H Cui, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 7292-7295, 2018
A dispatching method for integrated energy system based on dynamic time-interval of model predictive control
X Dou, J Wang, Z Wang, L Li, L Bai, S Ren, M Gao
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 8 (5), 841-852, 2020
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