Ziang Wei
Ziang Wei
Потвърден имейл адрес: ulaval.ca
A deep learning method for the impact damage segmentation of curve-shaped cfrp specimens inspected by infrared thermography
Z Wei, H Fernandes, HG Herrmann, JR Tarpani, A Osman
Sensors 21 (2), 395, 2021
Pulsed thermography dataset for training deep learning models
Z Wei, A Osman, B Valeske, X Maldague
Applied Sciences 13 (5), 2901, 2023
Artificial intelligence for defect detection in infrared images of solid oxide fuel cells
Z Wei, A Osman, D Gross, U Netzelmann
Infrared Physics & Technology 119, 103815, 2021
Deep learning neural network performance on NDT digital X-ray radiography images: Analyzing the impact of image quality parameters—an experimental study
B Hena, Z Wei, CI Castanedo, X Maldague
Sensors 23 (9), 4324, 2023
Cognitive sensor systems for NDE 4.0: Technology, AI embedding, validation and qualification
B Valeske, R Tschuncky, F Leinenbach, A Osman, Z Wei, F Römer, ...
tm-Technisches Messen 89 (4), 253-277, 2022
Towards enhancing automated defect recognition (ADR) in digital X-ray radiography applications: synthesizing training data through X-ray intensity distribution modeling for …
B Hena, Z Wei, L Perron, CI Castanedo, X Maldague
Information 15 (1), 16, 2023
Stacked denoising autoencoder for infrared thermography image enhancement
Z Wei, HC Fernandes, JR Tarpani, A Osman, X Maldague
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN’21At: Palma …, 2021
A Dataset of Pulsed Thermography for Automated Defect Depth Estimation
Z Wei, A Osman, B Valeske, X Maldague
Applied Sciences 13 (24), 13093, 2023
An ultrasonic non-destructive testing method for evaluating resistance spot welding quality
B Zhang, Z Wei, A Osman, X Zhang, B Zhang, G Cai, X Han, Q Zhou, ...
material science, 2018
High-quality, low-quantity: A data-centric approach to deep learning performance optimization in digital X-Ray radiography
B Hena, Z Wei, C Ibarra-Castanedo, X Maldague
NDT & E International 152, 103327, 2025
Exploring the Frontiers of Synthetic Image-Based Deep Learning Training in Digital X-ray Radiography.
B Hena, Z Wei, L Perron, CI Castanedo, X Maldague
CINDE Journal 45 (3), 40-43, 2024
Automated Defect Detection for Epoxy-Carbon Prepreg Laminates in Data Fusion Approach
P Zhu, Z Wei, O Zahra, G Marchais, P Servais, T Boulanger, X Maldague
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 2023
Can deep models benefit from standard preprocessing of pulsed thermography data?
Z Wei, A Osman, D Müller, H Fernandes, JR Tarpani, X Maldague
2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz …, 2022
Hören, was nicht stimmt: Akustisches Sensorsystem mit kognitiver Signalanalyse
D Gross, M Heinrich, A Osman, T Waschkies, Z Wei
Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit QZ-Online, Carl Hanser Verlag, Deutsche …, 2019
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