Combining ecological and recreational aspects in national park management: A choice experiment application A Juutinen, Y Mitani, E Mäntymaa, Y Shoji, P Siikamäki, R Svento Ecological economics 70 (6), 1231-1239, 2011 | 253 | 2011 |
Participation and compensation claims in voluntary forest conservation: A case of privately owned forests in Finland E Mäntymaa, A Juutinen, M Mönkkönen, R Svento Forest Policy and Economics 11 (7), 498-507, 2009 | 103 | 2009 |
Demand for enhanced forest amenities in private lands: The case of the Ruka-Kuusamo tourism area, Finland L Tyrväinen, E Mäntymaa, V Ovaskainen Forest Policy and Economics 47, 4-13, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas E Mäntymaa, L Tyrväinen, A Juutinen, M Kurttila Land Use Policy 107, 104095, 2021 | 78 | 2021 |
Voluntary agreements in protecting privately owned forests in Finland—To buy or to lease? A Juutinen, E Mäntymaa, M Mönkkönen, R Svento Forest Policy and Economics 10 (4), 230-239, 2008 | 73 | 2008 |
Integrating nature-based tourism and forestry in private lands under heterogeneous visitor preferences for forest attributes E Mäntymaa, V Ovaskainen, A Juutinen, L Tyrväinen Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (4), 724–746, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Participation and compensation claims in voluntary forest landscape conservation: The case of the Ruka-Kuusamo tourism area, Finland E Mäntymaa, A Juutinen, L Tyrväinen, J Karhu, M Kurttila Journal of Forest Economics 33, 14-24, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
A cost-efficient approach to selecting forest stands for conserving species: a case study from northern Fennoscandia A Juutinen, E Mäntymaa, M Mönkkönen, J Salmi Forest Science 50 (4), 527-539, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |
Private landowners’ preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values: A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland L Tyrväinen, E Mäntymaa, A Juutinen, M Kurttila, V Ovaskainen Land use policy 107, 104478, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Providing ecological, cultural and commercial services in an urban park: A travel cost–contingent behavior application in Finland E Mäntymaa, M Jokinen, A Juutinen, T Lankia, P Louhi Landscape and Urban Planning 209, 104042, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
Landowners’ conservation motives and the size of information rents in environmental bidding systems A Juutinen, E Mäntymaa, M Ollikainen Journal of Forest Economics 19 (2), 128-148, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Metsänomistajien näkemyksiä luonnonarvokaupasta: kyselytutkimus luonnonarvokaupan kokeiluhankkeeseen osallistuneille A Juutinen, P Horne, T Koskela, S Matinaho, E Mäntymaa, M Mönkkönen Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Multi-criteria analysis process for creation and evaluation of PES alternatives in the Ruka-Kuusamo tourism area M Kurttila, E Mäntymaa, L Tyrväinen, A Juutinen, T Hujala Journal of environmental planning and management 63 (10), 1857-1879, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Forest owners' interest in participation and their compensation claims in voluntary landscape value trading: The case of wind power parks in Finland E Mäntymaa, E Pouta, J Hiedanpää Forest Policy and Economics 124, 102382, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Modeling observed and unobserved heterogeneity in choice experiments A Juutinen, R Svento, Y Mitani, E Mantymaad, Y Shojie, P Siikamaki Environmental Economics, 57-65, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Estimating the demand for biodiversity-vagueness band and open ended questions E Mäntymaa, M Mönkkönen, J Siikamäki, R Svento Proceedings: Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics, 2002 | 14 | 2002 |
Essays on environmental benefits and hypothetical markets E Mäntymaa Oulu University Press, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
Is it more important to increase carbon sequestration, biodiversity, or jobs? A case study of citizens' preferences for forest policy in Finland E Mäntymaa, J Artell, JT Forsman, A Juutinen Forest Policy and Economics 154, 103023, 2023 | 12 | 2023 |
Ympäristöhyötyjen arviointi contingent valuation-menetelmällä E Mäntymaa University of Oulu, 1993 | 12 | 1993 |
Visitors’ heterogeneous preferences for urban park management: The case of a city park in Oulu, Finland E Mäntymaa, M Jokinen, P Louhi, A Juutinen Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 77, 127751, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |