Jian-Gan Wang
Jian-Gan Wang
Потвърден имейл адрес: nwpu.edu.cn
Engineering of MnO2-based nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors
JG Wang, F Kang, B Wei
Progress in Materials Science 74, 51-124, 2015
Zinc ion stabilized MnO 2 nanospheres for high capacity and long lifespan aqueous zinc-ion batteries
J Wang, JG Wang, H Liu, C Wei, F Kang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (22), 13727-13735, 2019
One-pot synthesis of nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbon spheres for high-rate and long-cycle life supercapacitors
JG Wang, H Liu, H Sun, W Hua, H Wang, X Liu, B Wei
Carbon 127, 85-92, 2018
A high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor based on carbon and carbon–MnO2 nanofiber electrodes
JG Wang, Y Yang, ZH Huang, F Kang
Carbon 61, 190-199, 2013
Highly Flexible Graphene/Mn3O4 Nanocomposite Membrane as Advanced Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
JG Wang, D Jin, R Zhou, X Li, X Liu, C Shen, K Xie, B Li, F Kang, B Wei
ACS nano 10 (6), 6227-6234, 2016
Graphene-boosted, high-performance aqueous Zn-ion battery
C Shen, X Li, N Li, K Xie, J Wang, X Liu, B Wei
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (30), 25446-25453, 2018
Atomically dispersed Pt and Fe sites and Pt–Fe nanoparticles for durable proton exchange membrane fuel cells
F Xiao, Q Wang, GL Xu, X Qin, I Hwang, CJ Sun, M Liu, W Hua, H Wu, ...
Nature Catalysis 5 (6), 503-512, 2022
Advanced engineering of nanostructured carbons for lithium–sulfur batteries
JG Wang, K Xie, B Wei
Nano Energy 15, 413-444, 2015
A Highly Flexible and Lightweight MnO2/Graphene Membrane for Superior Zinc‐Ion Batteries
J Wang, JG Wang, H Liu, Z You, Z Li, F Kang, B Wei
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (7), 2007397, 2021
A review and perspective on molybdenum-based electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
W Hua, HH Sun, F Xu, JG Wang
Rare Metals 39, 335-351, 2020
Cation exchange formation of prussian blue analogue submicroboxes for high-performance Na-ion hybrid supercapacitors
JG Wang, Z Zhang, X Zhang, X Yin, X Li, X Liu, F Kang, B Wei
Nano Energy 39, 647-653, 2017
Rational synthesis of MnO 2/conducting polypyrrole@ carbon nanofiber triaxial nano-cables for high-performance supercapacitors
JG Wang, Y Yang, ZH Huang, F Kang
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (33), 16943-16949, 2012
Nitrogen-coordinated single iron atom catalysts derived from metal organic frameworks for oxygen reduction reaction
F Xiao, GL Xu, CJ Sun, M Xu, W Wen, Q Wang, M Gu, S Zhu, Y Li, Z Wei, ...
Nano Energy 61, 60-68, 2019
Rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries: Mechanism, design strategies and future perspectives
H Liu, JG Wang, Z You, C Wei, F Kang, B Wei
Materials Today 42, 73-98, 2021
Coaxial carbon nanofibers/MnO2 nanocomposites as freestanding electrodes for high-performance electrochemical capacitors
JG Wang, Y Yang, ZH Huang, F Kang
Electrochimica Acta 56 (25), 9240-9247, 2011
Interfacial synthesis of mesoporous MnO2/polyaniline hollow spheres and their application in electrochemical capacitors
JG Wang, Y Yang, ZH Huang, F Kang
Journal of Power Sources 204, 236-243, 2012
Navigating fast and uniform zinc deposition via a versatile metal–organic complex interphase
H Liu, JG Wang, W Hua, L Ren, H Sun, Z Hou, Y Huyan, Y Cao, C Wei, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (5), 1872-1881, 2022
Nitrogen-enriched electrospun porous carbon nanofiber networks as high-performance free-standing electrode materials
D Nan, ZH Huang, R Lv, L Yang, JG Wang, W Shen, Y Lin, X Yu, L Ye, ...
Journal of materials chemistry A 2 (46), 19678-19684, 2014
Effect of temperature on the pseudo-capacitive behavior of freestanding MnO2@ carbon nanofibers composites electrodes in mild electrolyte
JG Wang, Y Yang, ZH Huang, F Kang
Journal of Power Sources 224, 86-92, 2013
Superfine MnO2 Nanowires with Rich Defects Toward Boosted Zinc Ion Storage Performance
J Wang, JG Wang, X Qin, Y Wang, Z You, H Liu, M Shao
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (31), 34949-34958, 2020
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