Seabed morphology and hydrocarbon seepage in the Gulf of Cadiz mud volcano area: Acoustic imagery, multibeam and ultra-high resolution seismic data L Somoza, V Dıaz-del-Rıo, R León, M Ivanov, MC Fernández-Puga, ... Marine geology 195 (1-4), 153-176, 2003 | 326 | 2003 |
Vast fields of hydrocarbon-derived carbonate chimneys related to the accretionary wedge/olistostrome of the Gulf of Cádiz V Dıaz-del-Rıo, L Somoza, J Martınez-Frias, MP Mata, A Delgado, ... Marine geology 195 (1-4), 177-200, 2003 | 308 | 2003 |
Structure and evolution of the “Olistostrome” complex of the Gibraltar Arc in the Gulf of Cádiz (eastern Central Atlantic): evidence from two long seismic cross-sections T Medialdea, R Vegas, L Somoza, JT Vázquez, A Maldonado, ... Marine Geology 209 (1-4), 173-198, 2004 | 273 | 2004 |
The contourite depositional system of the Gulf of Cadiz: a sedimentary model related to the bottom current activity of the Mediterranean outflow water and its interaction with … FJ Hernández-Molina, E Llave, DAV Stow, M García, L Somoza, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (11-13), 1420-1463, 2006 | 271 | 2006 |
Looking for clues to paleoceanographic imprints: a diagnosis of the Gulf of Cadiz contourite depositional systems J Hernández-Molina, E Llave, L Somoza, MC Fernández-Puga, A Maestro, ... Geology 31 (1), 19-22, 2003 | 222 | 2003 |
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in the COVID‐19 era: An expected new entity M Machado, M Valerio, A Álvarez‐Uría, M Olmedo, C Veintimilla, ... Mycoses 64 (2), 132-143, 2021 | 203 | 2021 |
Architectural stacking patterns of the Ebro delta controlled by Holocene high-frequency eustatic fluctuations, delta-lobe switching and subsidence processes L Somoza, A Barnolas, A Arasa, A Maestro, JG Rees, ... Sedimentary Geology 117 (1), 11-32, 1998 | 195 | 1998 |
Seismic stacking pattern of the Faro-Albufeira contourite system (Gulf of Cadiz): a Quaternary record of paleoceanographic and tectonic influences E Llave, FJ Hernández-Molina, L Somoza, V Díaz-del-Río, DAV Stow, ... Marine Geophysical Researches 22, 487-508, 2001 | 141 | 2001 |
Sea-floor features related to hydrocarbon seeps in deepwater carbonate-mud mounds of the Gulf of Cádiz: from mud flows to carbonate precipitates R León, L Somoza, T Medialdea, FJ González, V Díaz-del-Río, ... Geo-Marine Letters 27, 237-247, 2007 | 125 | 2007 |
LINDENS: A program for lineament length and density analysis AM Casas, AL Cortes, A Maestro, MA Soriano, A Riaguas, J Bernal Computers & Geosciences 26 (9-10), 1011-1022, 2000 | 120 | 2000 |
Classification of sea-floor features associated with methane seeps along the Gulf of Cádiz continental margin R León, L Somoza, T Medialdea, A Maestro, V Díaz-del-Río, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (11-13), 1464-1481, 2006 | 99 | 2006 |
Morphosedimentary features and recent depositional architectural model of the Cantabrian continental margin G Ercilla, D Casas, F Estrada, JT Vázquez, J Iglesias, M García, M Gómez, ... Marine Geology 247 (1-2), 61-83, 2008 | 90 | 2008 |
An early Aurignacian arrival in southwestern Europe M Cortés-Sánchez, FJ Jiménez-Espejo, MD Simón-Vallejo, C Stringer, ... Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (2), 207-212, 2019 | 86 | 2019 |
Geology and geomorphology of Deception Island JL Smellie, J López-Martínez, RK Headland, F Hernández-Cifuentes, ... British Antarctic Survey, 2002 | 82 | 2002 |
Large‐scale slope failure involving Triassic and middle Miocene salt and shale in the Gulf of Cádiz (Atlantic Iberian Margin) A Maestro, L Somoza, T Medialdea, CJ Talbot, A Lowrie, JT Vazquez, ... Terra Nova 15 (6), 380-391, 2003 | 77 | 2003 |
Active tectonics, fault patterns, and stress field of Deception Island: a response to oblique convergence between the Pacific and Antarctic plates A Maestro, L Somoza, J Rey, J Martínez-Frías, J López-Martínez Journal of South American Earth Sciences 23 (2-3), 256-268, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Evidence for hydrothermal venting and sediment volcanism discharged after recent short-lived volcanic eruptions at Deception Island, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica L Somoza, J Martınez-Frıas, JL Smellie, J Rey, A Maestro Marine Geology 203 (1-2), 119-140, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Cenozoic deformational structures on the Galicia Bank Region (NW Iberian continental margin) JT Vázquez, T Medialdea, G Ercilla, L Somoza, F Estrada, MCF Puga, ... Marine Geology 249 (1-2), 128-149, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Occurrence of whale barnacles in Nerja Cave (Málaga, southern Spain): indirect evidence of whale consumption by humans in the Upper Magdalenian E Álvarez-Fernández, RP Carriol, JF Jordá, JE Aura, B Avezuela, E Badal, ... Quaternary International 337, 163-169, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
Imaging the recent sediment dynamics of the Galicia Bank region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula) G Ercilla, D Casas, JT Vázquez, J Iglesias, L Somoza, C Juan, ... Marine Geophysical Research 32, 99-126, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |