Prachi Hemant Bhuptani
Prachi Hemant Bhuptani
Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital
Потвърден имейл адрес: brown.edu
A review of the long‐term impact of child maltreatment on posttraumatic stress disorder and its comorbidities: An emotion dysregulation perspective.
TL Messman-Moore, PH Bhuptani
Clinical psychology: science and practice 24 (2), 154, 2017
Blame and shame in sexual assault
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman-Moore
Handbook of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention, 309-322, 2019
A new measure of feeling safe: Developing psychometric properties of the Neuroception of Psychological Safety Scale (NPSS).
L Morton, N Cogan, J Kolacz, C Calderwood, M Nikolic, T Bacon, E Pathe, ...
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 16 (4), 701, 2024
Rape disclosure and depression among community women: The mediating roles of shame and experiential avoidance
PH Bhuptani, JS Kaufman, TL Messman-Moore, KL Gratz, D DiLillo
Violence against women 25 (10), 1226-1242, 2019
Role of blame and rape-related shame in distress among rape victims.
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 15 (4), 557, 2023
Self-compassion and shame among rape survivors
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 (17-18), NP16575-NP16595, 2022
Characterizing intimate partner violence in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
PH Bhuptani, J Hunter, C Goodwin, C Millman, LM Orchowski
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (5), 3220-3235, 2023
Self-compassion and fear of self-compassion: Mechanisms underlying the link between child maltreatment severity and psychological distress in college women
TL Messman-Moore, PH Bhuptani
Mindfulness 11, 1446-1459, 2020
A qualitative analysis of how individuals utilized the twitter hashtags# notokay and# metoo to comment on the perpetration of interpersonal violence
KW Bogen, PH Bhuptani, M Haikalis, LM Orchowski
Social Media+ Society 8 (1), 20563051221086229, 2022
Latent profiles of social reactions to sexual assault disclosure among undergraduate women
SR Salim, LR Eshelman, PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Psychology of Women Quarterly 46 (1), 66-81, 2022
Handbook of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman-Moore, WT O'Donohue, PA Schewe
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Trauma-related shame mediates the associations between self-blame, bisexual minority stress, and rape-related PTSD symptoms
SR Salim, PH Bhuptani, LR Eshelman, NM LaPlena, TL Messman
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (17-18), 10259-10281, 2023
Pornography use, perceived peer norms, and attitudes toward women: A study of college men
PH Bhuptani, SR Kenney, LE Napper, LM Orchowski
American journal of sexuality education 19 (3), 280-301, 2024
Representation of women in 10 recognition awards from the American Psychological Association, 1956–2019.
LM Orchowski, KW Bogen, PH Bhuptani
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 52 (6), 610, 2021
Online social reactions to disclosure of sexual victimization via# MeToo and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
PH Bhuptani, G López, R Peterson, LM Orchowski
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (19-20), 10900-10919, 2023
Relational ecological model of identity: A tool for providing culturally competent clinical care in India.
P Aggarwal, DL Wiese, P Bhuptani
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation …, 2022
University crime alerts: Do they contribute to institutional betrayal and rape myths?
AA Adams-Clark, CP Smith, PH Bhuptani, JJ Freyd
Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence 5 (1), 6, 2020
Disclosing sexual victimization online and in-person: An examination of bisexual+ and heterosexual survivors
G López, PH Bhuptani, LM Orchowski
Journal of interpersonal violence 39 (9-10), 1976-1998, 2024
Predictors of college women's disclosure of sexual assault prior to and during college
LM Orchowski, PH Bhuptani
Journal of community psychology 51 (4), 1653-1668, 2023
Mindful self-compassion for veteran women with a history of military sexual trauma: feasibility, acceptability, potential benefits, and considerations
TD Braun, PH Bhuptani, B O’Keefe, AM Abrantes, E Marsh, CG Holzhauer
European journal of psychotraumatology 15 (1), 2301205, 2024
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