Venu Gopal Achanta
Enhanced magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals
VI Belotelov, IA Akimov, M Pohl, VA Kotov, S Kasture, AS Vengurlekar, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (6), 370-376, 2011
Damping of Exciton Rabi Rotations by Acoustic Phonons in Optically Excited Quantum Dots<?format ?>
AJ Ramsay, AV Gopal, EM Gauger, A Nazir, BW Lovett, AM Fox, ...
Physical review letters 104 (1), 017402, 2010
All‐dielectric active terahertz photonics driven by bound states in the continuum
S Han, L Cong, YK Srivastava, B Qiang, MV Rybin, A Kumar, R Jain, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (37), 1901921, 2019
Plasmon-mediated magneto-optical transparency
VI Belotelov, LE Kreilkamp, IA Akimov, AN Kalish, DA Bykov, S Kasture, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2128, 2013
Selective appearance of several laser-induced periodic surface structure patterns on a metal surface using structural colors produced by femtosecond laser pulses
J Yao, C Zhang, H Liu, Q Dai, L Wu, S Lan, AV Gopal, VA Trofimov, ...
Applied Surface Science 258 (19), 7625-7632, 2012
Interfacing Spins in an InGaAs Quantum Dot to a Semiconductor Waveguide Circuit<? format?> Using Emitted Photons
IJ Luxmoore, NA Wasley, AJ Ramsay, ACT Thijssen, R Oulton, M Hugues, ...
Physical review letters 110 (3), 037402, 2013
High spatial frequency periodic structures induced on metal surface by femtosecond laser pulses
JW Yao, CY Zhang, HY Liu, QF Dai, LJ Wu, S Lan, AV Gopal, VA Trofimov, ...
Optics express 20 (2), 905-911, 2012
Tuning of the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in magneto-plasmonic crystals
M Pohl, LE Kreilkamp, VI Belotelov, IA Akimov, AN Kalish, NE Khokhlov, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 075024, 2013
High contrast switchability of VO2 based metamaterial absorbers with ITO ground plane
JK Pradhan, S Anantha Ramakrishna, B Rajeswaran, AM Umarji, ...
Optics express 25 (8), 9116-9121, 2017
Size-Dependent Tuning of Mn2+ d Emission in Mn2+-Doped CdS Nanocrystals: Bulk vs Surface
A Nag, R Cherian, P Mahadevan, AV Gopal, A Hazarika, A Mohan, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (43), 18323-18329, 2010
1.55-μm picosecond all-optical switching by using intersubband absorption in InGaAs-AlAs-AlAsSb coupled quantum wells
T Akiyama, N Georgiev, T Mozume, H Yoshida, AV Gopal, O Wada
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14 (4), 495-497, 2002
Nonlinearity and recovery time of 1.55 µm intersubband absorption in InGaAs/AlAs/AlAsSb coupled quantum wells
T Akiyama, N Georgiev, T Mozume, H Yoshida, A Venu Gopal, O Wada
Electronics Letters 37 (2), 129-130, 2001
Photoluminescence study of exciton–optical phonon scattering in bulk GaAs and GaAs quantum wells
AV Gopal, R Kumar, AS Vengurlekar, A Bosacchi, S Franchi, LN Pfeiffer
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (4), 1858, 2000
Observation of giant Goos-Hänchen and angular shifts at designed metasurfaces
VJ Yallapragada, AP Ravishankar, GL Mulay, GS Agarwal, VG Achanta
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19319, 2016
Plasmonic crystals for ultrafast nanophotonics: Optical switching of surface plasmon polaritons
M Pohl, VI Belotelov, IA Akimov, S Kasture, AS Vengurlekar, AV Gopal, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (8), 081401, 2012
Photonic crystals with plasmonic patterns: novel type of the heterostructures for enhanced magneto-optical activity
NE Khokhlov, AR Prokopov, AN Shaposhnikov, VN Berzhansky, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (9), 095001, 2015
Surface waves at metal-dielectric interfaces: Material science perspective
VG Achanta
Reviews in Physics 5, 100041, 2020
Coherent perfect absorption mediated anomalous reflection and refraction
S Dutta-Gupta, R Deshmukh, A Venu Gopal, OJF Martin, S Dutta Gupta
Optics letters 37 (21), 4452-4454, 2012
All-optical diodes based on photonic crystal molecules consisting of nonlinear defect pairs
H Zhou, KF Zhou, W Hu, Q Guo, S Lan, XS Lin, A Venu Gopal
Journal of applied physics 99 (12), 2006
Fabry–Perot plasmonic structures for nanophotonics
VI Belotelov, AN Kalish, AK Zvezdin, ABAV Gopal, AS Vengurlekar
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29 (3), 294-299, 2012
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