Antonio Parra de la Torre
Serins respond to anthropogenic noise by increasing vocal activity
M Díaz, A Parra, C Gallardo
Behavioral Ecology 22 (2), 332-336, 2011
Post-fire soil functionality and microbial community structure in a Mediterranean shrubland subjected to experimental drought
MB Hinojosa, A Parra, VA Laudicina, JM Moreno
Science of the Total Environment 573, 1178-1189, 2016
Drought and its legacy modulate the post‐fire recovery of soil functionality and microbial community structure in a Mediterranean shrubland
MB Hinojosa, VA Laudicina, A Parra, E Albert‐Belda, JM Moreno
Global Change Biology 25 (4), 1409-1427, 2019
Drought differentially affects the post-fire dynamics of seeders and resprouters in a Mediterranean shrubland
A Parra, JM Moreno
Science of the Total Environment 626, 1219-1229, 2018
Postfire nitrogen balance of Mediterranean shrublands: Direct combustion losses versus gaseous and leaching losses from the postfire soil mineral nitrogen flush
M Dannenmann, E Díaz‐Pinés, B Kitzler, K Karhu, J Tejedor, P Ambus, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (10), 4505-4520, 2018
Fire increases the risk of higher soil N2O emissions from Mediterranean Macchia ecosystems
K Karhu, M Dannenmann, B Kitzler, E Díaz-Pinés, J Tejedor, DA Ramírez, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 82, 44-51, 2015
Differences in morpho-physiological leaf traits reflect the response of growth to drought in a seeder but not in a resprouter Mediterranean species
DA Ramírez, A Parra, VR de Dios, JM Moreno
Functional Plant Biology 39 (4), 332-341, 2012
Post‐fire environments are favourable for plant functioning of seeder and resprouter Mediterranean shrubs, even under drought
A Parra, JM Moreno
New Phytologist 214 (3), 1118-1131, 2017
Effects of drought on soil phosphorus availability and fluxes in a burned Mediterranean shrubland
MB Hinojosa, A Parra, DA Ramírez, JA Carreira, R Garcia-Ruiz, ...
Geoderma 191, 61-69, 2012
Modifying rainfall patterns in a Mediterranean shrubland: system design, plant responses, and experimental burning
A Parra, DA Ramírez, V Resco, Á Velasco, JM Moreno
International Journal of Biometeorology 56, 1033-1043, 2012
Reproductive output, seed anatomy and germination under water stress in the seeder Cistus ladanifer subjected to experimental drought
D Chamorro, A Parra, JM Moreno
Environmental and Experimental Botany 123, 59-67, 2016
Experimental drought induces short-term changes in soil functionality and microbial community structure after fire in a Mediterranean shrubland
MB Hinojosa, A Parra, VA Laudicina, JM Moreno
Biogeosciences Discussions 11 (10), 15251-15287, 2014
Effects of spatial distance and woody plant cover on beta diversity point to dispersal limitation as a driver of community assembly during postfire succession in a …
I Torres, A Parra, JM Moreno
Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), e9130, 2022
No genetic adaptation of the Mediterranean keystone shrub Cistus ladanifer in response to experimental fire and extreme drought
I Torres, A Parra, JM Moreno, W Durka
Plos one 13 (6), e0199119, 2018
Functional response and resistance to drought in seedlings of six shrub species with contrasting leaf traits from the Mediterranean Basin and California
A Parra, RB Pratt, AL Jacobsen, D Chamorro, I Torres, JM Moreno
Tree Physiology 43 (10), 1758-1771, 2023
Burn severity effect on the short-term functional response of Quercus ilex after fire
A Parra, MB Hinojosa
Fire 6, 286, 2023
Modificación del régimen de precipitaciones en un matorral mediterráneo afectado por el fuego: respuestas de distintos grupos funcionales.
A Parra de la Torre
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2015
Temporal and spatial patterns of seed dispersal of four shrubs in a Cistus-Erica shrubland from central Spain
JM Moreno, E Zuazua, I Torres, A Parra, C Moreno-Fenoll
Fire Ecology 19 (1), 51, 2023
Ciencia Ciudadana para el seguimiento del Cambio Climático en los ecosistemas. Cantabria. Red Cambera
PF Valdor, J Rabadan, C Gandia, M Nuero, J Bastardas, J Belmonte, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, 2021
Influencia del cambio climático en el marco de la gestión de incendios forestales: clima, riesgo de incendios, peligro futuro y respuestas de la vegetación a la sequía.
JM Moreno, IR Urbieta, A Parra
III Taller de Lecciones Aprendidas de los Incendios Forestales, 272-289, 2018
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