Ian B. Butler
Ian B. Butler
Senior Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
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Framboidal pyrite formation via the oxidation of iron (II) monosulfide by hydrogen sulphide
IB Butler, D Rickard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (15), 2665-2672, 2000
Removal of dissolved oxygen from water: A comparison of four common techniques
IB Butler, MAA Schoonen, DT Rickard
Talanta 41 (2), 211-215, 1994
Experimental study of the copper isotope fractionation between aqueous Cu (II) and covellite, CuS
S Ehrlich, I Butler, L Halicz, D Rickard, A Oldroyd, A Matthews
Chemical Geology 209 (3-4), 259-269, 2004
Extremely high solubility of rutile in chloride and fluoride-bearing metamorphic fluids: An experimental investigation
JF Rapp, S Klemme, IB Butler, SL Harley
Geology 38 (4), 323-326, 2010
Fe isotope fractionation on FeS formation in ambient aqueous solution
IB Butler, C Archer, D Vance, A Oldroyd, D Rickard
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 236 (1-2), 430-442, 2005
Trace element distributions in the chalcopyrite wall of a black smoker chimney: insights from laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS)
IB Butler, RW Nesbitt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 167 (3-4), 335-345, 1999
Estimating microbial growth and hydrogen consumption in hydrogen storage in porous media
EM Thaysen, S McMahon, GJ Strobel, IB Butler, BT Ngwenya, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111481, 2021
Geological hydrogen storage: geochemical reactivity of hydrogen with sandstone reservoirs
A Hassanpouryouzband, K Adie, T Cowen, EM Thaysen, N Heinemann, ...
ACS Energy Letters 7 (7), 2203-2210, 2022
Droplet fragmentation: 3D imaging of a previously unidentified pore-scale process during multiphase flow in porous media
T Pak, IB Butler, S Geiger, MIJ Van Dijke, KS Sorbie
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (7), 1947-1952, 2015
Sulfur isotope partitioning during experimental formation of pyrite via the polysulfide and hydrogen sulfide pathways: implications for the interpretation of sedimentary and …
IB Butler, ME Böttcher, D Rickard, A Oldroyd
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (3-4), 495-509, 2004
Abiotic pyrite formation produces a large Fe isotope fractionation
R Guilbaud, IB Butler, RM Ellam
Science 332 (6037), 1548-1551, 2011
A novel iron sulphide mineral switch and its implications for Earth and planetary science
D Rickard, IB Butler, A Oldroyd
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 189 (1-2), 85-91, 2001
The composition of nanoparticulate mackinawite, tetragonal iron (II) monosulfide
D Rickard, A Griffith, A Oldroyd, IB Butler, E Lopez-Capel, DAC Manning, ...
Chemical Geology 235 (3-4), 286-298, 2006
Fossil plants from the Eocene London Clay: the use of pyrite textures to determine the mechanism of pyritization
ST Grimes, KL Davies, IB Butler, F Brock, D Edwards, D Rickard, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 159 (5), 493-501, 2002
The origin of Earth’s first continents and the onset of plate tectonics
AR Hastie, JG Fitton, GD Bromiley, IB Butler, NWA Odling
Geology 44 (10), 855-858, 2016
Inhibition of Sporosarcina pasteurii under anoxic conditions: implications for subsurface carbonate precipitation and remediation via ureolysis
D Martin, K Dodds, BT Ngwenya, IB Butler, SC Elphick
Environmental science & technology 46 (15), 8351-8355, 2012
UV laser ablation ICP‐MS: Some applications in the earth sciences
RW Nesbitt, T Hirata, IB Butler, JA Milton
Geostandards Newsletter 21 (2), 231-243, 1997
Microbioirrigation of marine sediments in dysoxic environments: implications for early sediment fabric formation and diagenetic processes
J Pike, JM Bernhard, SG Moreton, IB Butler
Geology 29 (10), 923-926, 2001
Carbonate precipitation under pressure for bioengineering in the anaerobic subsurface via denitrification
D Martin, K Dodds, IB Butler, BT Ngwenya
Environmental science & technology 47 (15), 8692-8699, 2013
Precious metal enrichment in the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa: evidence from homogenized magmatic sulfide melt inclusions
DA Holwell, I McDonald, IB Butler
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 1011-1026, 2011
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