Randall K. Minas
Fake news on social media: People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all
P Moravec, RK Minas, AR Dennis
MIS Quarterly 43 (4), 1343-1360, 2019
Sparking creativity: Improving electronic brainstorming with individual cognitive priming
AR Dennis, RK Minas, AP Bhagwatwar
Journal of management information systems 29 (4), 195-216, 2013
Putting on the thinking cap: using NeuroIS to understand information processing biases in virtual teams
RK Minas, RF Potter, AR Dennis, V Bartelt, S Bae
Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (4), 49-82, 2014
Security on autopilot: Why current security theories hijack our thinking and lead us astray
AR Dennis, RK Minas
ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 49 (SI …, 2018
Do you really know if it’s true? How asking users to rate stories affects belief in fake news on social media
PL Moravec, A Kim, AR Dennis, RK Minas
Information Systems Research 33 (3), 887-907, 2022
Attentional window in schizophrenia and schizotypal personality: Insight from negative priming studies
RK Minas, S Park
Applied and Preventive Psychology 12 (3), 140-148, 2007
Opening the mind: Designing 3D virtual environments to enhance team creativity
RK Minas, AR Dennis, AP Massey
2016 49th Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS), 247-256, 2016
Visual background music: creativity support systems with priming
RK Minas, AR Dennis
Journal of management information systems 36 (1), 230-258, 2019
Mapping the corporate blogosphere: linking audience, content, and management to blog visibility
AR Dennis, RK Minas, NS Lockwood
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 17 (3), 2, 2016
Consumer-grade EEG instruments: insights on the measurement quality based on a literature review and implications for NeuroIS research
R Riedl, RK Minas, AR Dennis, GR Müller-Putz
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020, 350-361, 2020
15 Creativity in Computer-Mediated Virtual Groups
AR Dennis, RK Minas, ML Williams
The Oxford handbook of group creativity and innovation, 253, 2019
A prime a day keeps calories away: The effects of supraliminal priming on food consumption and the moderating role of gender and eating restraint
RK Minas, M Poor, AR Dennis, VL Bartelt
Appetite 105, 494-499, 2016
Triggering insight: Using neuroscience to understand how priming changes individual cognition during electronic brainstorming
RK Minas, AR Dennis, RF Potter, R Kamhawi
Decision Sciences 49 (5), 788-826, 2018
The influence of psychographic beliefs on website usability requirements
AP Massey, V Khatri, RK Minas
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (4), 157-174, 2013
Fake news on social media: People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all (Kelly School of Business Research Paper No. 18-87)
P Moravec, R Minas, AR Dennis
SSRN, 2018
Approaching fake news at the expense of truth: A psychophysiological study of news on social media
L Kirkwood, R Minas
Neurophysiological impact of software design processes on software developers
RK Minas, R Kazman, E Tempero
Augmented Cognition. Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human …, 2017
Overloaded and biased? Using augmented cognition to understand the interaction between information overload and cognitive biases
RK Minas, ME Crosby
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational …, 2016
Play for performance: Using computer games to improve motivation and test-taking performance
AR Dennis, A Bhagwatwar, RK Minas
Journal of Information Systems Education 24 (3), 223-232, 2013
On electrode layout in EEG studies: A limitation of consumer-grade EEG instruments
GR Müller-Putz, U Tunkowitsch, RK Minas, AR Dennis, R Riedl
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2021, 90-95, 2021
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