Thomas M Mitchell
Thomas M Mitchell
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The nature and origin of off-fault damage surrounding strike-slip fault zones with a wide range of displacements: A field study from the Atacama fault system, northern Chile
TM Mitchell, DR Faulkner
Journal of Structural Geology 31 (8), 802-816, 2009
Slip on'weak'faults by the rotation of regional stress in the fracture damage zone
DR Faulkner, TM Mitchell, D Healy, MJ Heap
Nature 444 (7121), 922-925, 2006
Scaling of fault damage zones with displacement and the implications for fault growth processes
DR Faulkner, TM Mitchell, E Jensen, J Cembrano
Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (B5), B05403, 2011
Experimental measurements of permeability evolution during triaxial compression of initially intact crystalline rocks and implications for fluid flow in fault zones
TM Mitchell, DR Faulkner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B11), 2008
Stuck in the mud? Earthquake nucleation and propagation through accretionary forearcs
DR Faulkner, TM Mitchell, J Behnsen, T Hirose, T Shimamoto
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (18), L18303, 2011
Towards quantifying the matrix permeability of fault damage zones in low porosity rocks
TM Mitchell, DR Faulkner
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 339, 24-31, 2012
Pulverized fault rocks and damage asymmetry along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, Japan
TM Mitchell, Y Ben-Zion, T Shimamoto
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (3-4), 284-297, 2011
Fault lubrication and earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks
N De Paola, T Hirose, T Mitchell, G Di Toro, C Viti, T Shimamoto
Geology 39 (1), 35-38, 2011
On the structure and mechanical properties of large strike-slip faults
DR Faulkner, TM Mitchell, EH Rutter, J Cembrano
Quantifying the anisotropy and tortuosity of permeable pathways in clay-rich mudstones using models based on X-ray tomography
NR Backeberg, F Iacoviello, M Rittner, TM Mitchell, AP Jones, R Day, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14838, 2017
Dynamic fracturing by successive coseismic loadings leads to pulverization in active fault zones
FM Aben, ML Doan, TM Mitchell, R Toussaint, T Reuschlé, M Fondriest, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (4), 2338-2360, 2016
Fault reactivation by fluid injection: Controls from stress state and injection rate
FX Passelègue, N Brantut, TM Mitchell
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (23), 12,837-12,846, 2018
Damage and seismic velocity structure of pulverized rocks near the San Andreas Fault
M Rempe, T Mitchell, J Renner, S Nippress, Y Ben‐Zion, T Rockwell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (6), 2813-2831, 2013
Acoustic characterization of crack damage evolution in sandstone deformed under conventional and true triaxial loading
J Browning, PG Meredith, CE Stuart, D Healy, S Harland, TM Mitchell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (6), 4395-4412, 2017
Dynamic weakening of serpentinite gouges and bare surfaces at seismic slip rates
BP Proctor, TM Mitchell, G Hirth, D Goldsby, F Zorzi, JD Platt, G Di Toro
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (11), 8107-8131, 2014
Catastrophic emplacement of giant landslides aided by thermal decomposition: Heart Mountain, Wyoming
TM Mitchell, SAF Smith, MH Anders, G Di Toro, S Nielsen, A Cavallo, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 199-207, 2015
Polymodal faulting: Time for a new angle on shear failure
D Healy, TG Blenkinsop, NE Timms, PG Meredith, TM Mitchell, ML Cooke
Journal of Structural Geology 80, 57-71, 2015
Novel laboratory investigation of huff-n-puff gas injection for shale oils under realistic reservoir conditions
P Mahzari, TM Mitchell, AP Jones, EH Oelkers, A Striolo, F Iacoviello, ...
Fuel 284, 118950, 2021
Mesoscopic damage and fracturing of heterogeneous brittle rocks based on three-dimensional polycrystalline discrete element method
T Xu, TF Fu, MJ Heap, PG Meredith, TM Mitchell, P Baud
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 5389-5409, 2020
Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
B Proctor, DA Lockner, BD Kilgore, TM Mitchell, NM Beeler
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (16), e2019GL086767, 2020
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