Tara Sayuri Whitty
Environmental stewardship: A conceptual review and analytical framework
NJ Bennett, TS Whitty, E Finkbeiner, J Pittman, H Bassett, S Gelcich, ...
Environmental management 61, 597-614, 2018
Bycatch in gillnet fisheries threatens critically endangered small cetaceans and other aquatic megafauna
RL Brownell Jr, RR Reeves, AJ Read, BD Smith, PO Thomas, K Ralls, ...
Endangered Species Research 40, 285-296, 2019
An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation
NJ Bennett, L Teh, Y Ota, P Christie, A Ayers, JC Day, P Franks, D Gill, ...
Marine Policy 81, 411-418, 2017
Latitudinal variation in diet and patterns of human interaction in the marine otter
JC Mangel, T Whitty, G Medina-Vogel, J Alfaro-Shigueto, C Caceres, ...
Marine Mammal Science 27 (2), E14-E25, 2011
Governance potential for cetacean bycatch mitigation in small-scale fisheries: a comparative assessment of four sites in Southeast Asia
TS Whitty
Applied Geography 59, 131-141, 2015
Multi‐methods approach to characterizing the magnitude, impact, and spatial risk of Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) bycatch in small‐scale fisheries in …
TS Whitty
Marine Mammal Science 32 (3), 1022-1043, 2016
Challenges and priorities for river cetacean conservation
E Campbell, J Alfaro-Shigueto, E Aliaga-Rossel, I Beasley, Y Briceño, ...
Endangered Species Research 49, 13-42, 2022
Conservation-scapes: An interdisciplinary approach to assessing cetacean bycatch in small-scale fisheries
TS Whitty
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, 2014
Commentary on Coram et al.(2021) on the use of Facebook to understand marine mammal stranding issues in Southeast Asia
C Peter, PLK Mustika, JMV Acebes, N Chansue, L Dolar, GS Ham, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 31 (7), 1987-1994, 2022
Rapid assessment of marine megafauna capture, fishing effort, and socioeconomic and cultural drivers of artisanal fisheries in northern Madagascar
TS Whitty, P Davis, C Poonian, I Leandre
Proceedings of the world small scale fisheries congress, Bangkok, Thailand …, 2010
Conservationscapes: an interdisciplinary framework to link species‐focused conservation to human systems
TS Whitty
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (1), 44-52, 2018
Ecosystem‐Based Management for the Oceans
LT Ballance, T Whitty
Restoration Ecology 18 (5), 780-781, 2010
Oceans and communities
TS Whitty
The Ocean and Us, 257-265, 2023
Snapshot Assessment Protocol (SnAP): Guidelines, Tools, and Tips for RapidlyCharacterizing Small-Scale Fisheries.
TS Whitty, HR Bassett, LT Bonito, AE Johnson, C Edwards, C Palaretti, ...
Style Request: Journal of Human Ecology
NJ Bennett, TS Whitty, E Finkbeiner
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