Eunsil Lee
Eunsil Lee
University at Buffalo | Department of Engineering Education
Потвърден имейл адрес: buffalo.edu
Antimicrobial properties of lignin-decorated thin multi-walled carbon nanotubes in poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites
ES Lee, YO Kim, YM Ha, D Lim, JY Hwang, J Kim, M Park, JW Cho, ...
European Polymer Journal 105, 79-84, 2018
Crosslinking of lignin/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite fiber webs and their antimicrobial and ultraviolet-protective properties
E Lee, Y Song, S Lee
Textile Research Journal 89 (1), 3-12, 2019
Faculty perception before, during and after implementation of standards-based grading
E Lee, AR Carberry, HA Diefes-Dux, SA Atwood, MT Siniawski
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 23 (2), 53-61, 2018
Antimicrobial property and biodegradability of lignin nanofibers
ES Lee, YJ Song, SS Lee
2014 Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM), 2014
Faculty Perception Before and After Implementation of Standards-Based Grading
E Lee, A Carberry, H Diefes-Dux, S Atwood, M Siniawski
2017 Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES), 2017
Understanding international engineering doctoral students’ sense of belong-ing through their interpersonal interactions in the academic community
E Lee, J Bekki, A Carberry, N Kellam
CoNECD: Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity …, 2019
Water Absorption Properties and Biodegradability of Lignin/PVA Nanofibrous Webs
Y Song, E Lee, S Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles 41 (3), 517-526, 2017
Examining the Impact of Interpersonal Interactions on Course-level Persistence Intentions Among Online Undergraduate Engineering Students
J Kittur, SR Brunhaver, JM Bekki, E Lee
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021
Conceptualization and situating of sense of belonging among international engineering doctoral students: In light of the previous literature
E Lee, J Bekki, A Carberry
Paper accepted to CoNECD: Collaborative Network for Engineering and …, 2020
The Pioneers' Stories As A Tool For Introducing Graduate Students To The Engineering Education Research Community.
J London, A Carberry, A Ayela-Uwangue, E Lee, M Huerta, R Abhyankar, ...
Advances in Engineering Education 9 (1), 2021
Initial investigation of effective teacher professional development among experienced and non-experienced engineering teachers (work in progress)
J Kouo, M Dalal, B Berhane, J Ladeji-Osias, K Reid, C Beauchamp, ...
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, virtual, 2020
Fabrication of lignin nanofibers using electrospinning
E Lee, S Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles 38 (3), 372-385, 2014
Understanding the factors contributing to persistence among undergraduate engineering students in online courses
S Brunhaver, J Bekki, E Lee, J Kittur
Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning …, 2019
Developing an Instrument to Measure Online Engineering Undergraduate Students’ Learning Experiences and Intentions to Persist
E Lee, S Brunhaver, J Bekki
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2020
Re-thinking Engineering Doctoral Students’ Sense of Belonging: In Consideration of Diversity in Citizenship and Interpersonal Interactions
E Lee
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2020
Lignin microcapsule and method of producing the same
YC Jung, ES Lee, HJ Yoo, SH Lee, J Hwang, C Yang, M Park
US Patent 9,549,952, 2017
Understanding the impact of professional development for a cohort of teachers with varying prior engineering teaching experience
J Kouo, M Dalal, E Lee, B Berhane, O Emiola-Owolabi, J Ladeji-Osias, ...
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 13 (1), 3, 2023
Fabrication of lignin nanofibers and evaluation of the antimicrobial property and biodegradability
ES Lee
The Graduate School of Yonsei University, Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, 1-104, 2014
Exploring the Validity of the Engineering Design Self-Efficacy Scale for Secondary School Students (Research To Practice)
E Lee, AR Carberry, M Dalal, MJ Miller
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021
Work in Progress: Epic Fail–An Attempt to Observe Mentoring Relationships Within Short-term, Lab-based Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Programs
E Lee, AR Carberry
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019
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