Damien Nativel
Damien Nativel
University of Duisburg-Essen - Institute for Energy and Materials Processes – Reactive Fluids
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Laminar flame speeds of pentanol isomers: An experimental and modeling study
D Nativel, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, A Comandini, A Cuoci, E Ranzi, ...
Combustion and Flame 166, 1-18, 2016
Experimental study of the kinetics of ethanol pyrolysis and oxidation behind reflected shock waves and in laminar flames
M Aghsaee, D Nativel, M Bozkurt, M Fikri, N Chaumeix, C Schulz
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (1), 393-400, 2015
Impact of shock-tube facility-dependent effects on incident-and reflected-shock conditions over a wide range of pressures and Mach numbers
D Nativel, SP Cooper, T Lipkowicz, M Fikri, EL Petersen, C Schulz
Combustion and Flame 217, 200-211, 2020
Lanthanum promoted NiO–SDC anode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells fueled with methane
A Yan, M Phongaksorn, D Nativel, E Croiset
Journal of Power Sources 210, 374-380, 2012
Shock-tube study of methane pyrolysis in the context of energy-storage processes
D Nativel, B Shu, J Herzler, M Fikri, C Schulz
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 197-204, 2019
Direct measurement of high-temperature rate constants of the thermal decomposition of dimethoxymethane, a shock tube and modeling study
S Peukert, P Sela, D Nativel, J Herzler, M Fikri, C Schulz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (38), 7559-7571, 2018
Laser-based CO concentration and temperature measurements in high-pressure shock-tube studies of n-heptane partial oxidation
D He, D Nativel, J Herzler, JB Jeffries, M Fikri, C Schulz
Applied Physics B 126, 1-11, 2020
Ethanol ignition in a high-pressure shock tube: Ignition delay time and high-repetition-rate imaging measurements
D Nativel, P Niegemann, J Herzler, M Fikri, C Schulz
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (1), 901-909, 2021
CO-concentration and temperature measurements in reacting CH4/O2 mixtures doped with diethyl ether behind reflected shock waves
D He, L Shi, D Nativel, J Herzler, M Fikri, C Schulz
Combustion and Flame 216, 194-205, 2020
Numerical investigation of remote ignition in shock tubes
JT Lipkowicz, D Nativel, S Cooper, I Wlokas, M Fikri, E Petersen, C Schulz, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 106, 471-498, 2021
Laminar flame speeds and ignition delay times of gasoline/air and gasoline/alcohol/air mixtures: The effects of heavy alcohol compared to light alcohol
A Comandini, D Nativel, N Chaumeix
Energy & Fuels 35 (18), 14913-14923, 2021
Shock-tube study of the influence of oxygenated additives on benzene pyrolysis: Measurement of optical densities, soot inception times and comparison with simulations
D Nativel, J Herzler, S Krzywdziak, S Peukert, M Fikri, C Schulz
Combustion and Flame 243, 111985, 2022
Shock tube study of the pyrolysis kinetics of Di-and trimethoxy methane
M Döntgen, ME Fuller, S Peukert, D Nativel, C Schulz, KA Heufer, ...
Combustion and Flame 242, 112186, 2022
A study of ethanol oxidation in high-pressure shock tube: Ignition delay time measurements and high-speed imaging of the ignition process
D Nativel, P Niegemann, J Herzler, M Fikri, C Schulz
27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2019
Impact of Methanol and Butanol on Soot Formation in Gasoline Surrogate Pyrolysis: A Shock-Tube Study
D Nativel, C Shao, SP Cooper, EL Petersen, C Schulz, M Fikri, S Peukert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (5), 1259-1270, 2023
Shock-tube study on the influence of oxygenated co-reactants on ethylene decomposition under pyrolytic conditions
D Nativel, S Peukert, J Herzler, A Drakon, M Korshunova, E Mikheyeva, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (1), 1099-1108, 2023
CO Laser Absorption Measurements During Syngas Combustion at High Pressure
SP Cooper, D Nativel, O Mathieu, M Fikri, EL Petersen, C Schulz
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 145 (12), 2023
Facility-Dependent Effects in Shock Tubes
D Nativel, M Fikri, C Schulz, SP Cooper, EL Petersen
Combustion and Flame, 2020
Reflected-shock nonidealities in shock tubes: the impact of the facility-dependent effects over a wide range of pressures and Mach numbers
D Nativel, M Fikri, JT Lipkowicz
27th ICDERS, 2019
Unsupervised analysis of experiments of laminar flame propagation in a spherical enclosure
M Barone, N Chaumeix, A Comandini, G Continillo, S Lombardi, D Nativel
AIP Conference Proceedings 1790 (1), 2016
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