Dr. Ranjana Rai
Dr. Ranjana Rai
Потвърден имейл адрес: ucl.ac.uk
Synthesis, properties and biomedical applications of poly (glycerol sebacate)(PGS): A review
R Rai, M Tallawi, A Grigore, AR Boccaccini
Progress in polymer science 37 (8), 1051-1078, 2012
Tissue engineering of electrically responsive tissues using polyaniline based polymers: A review
TH Qazi, R Rai, AR Boccaccini
Biomaterials 35 (33), 9068-9086, 2014
Medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates, promising new biomedical materials for the future
R Rai, T Keshavarz, JA Roether, AR Boccaccini, I Roy
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 72 (3), 29-47, 2011
Strategies for the chemical and biological functionalization of scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering: a review
M Tallawi, E Rosellini, N Barbani, MG Cascone, R Rai, G Saint-Pierre, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (108), 20150254, 2015
Development and characterization of novel electrically conductive PANI–PGS composites for cardiac tissue engineering applications
TH Qazi, R Rai, D Dippold, JE Roether, DW Schubert, E Rosellini, ...
Acta biomaterialia 10 (6), 2434-2445, 2014
Polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis in Bacillus cereus SPV under varied limiting conditions and an insight into the biosynthetic genes involved
SP Valappil, R Rai, C Bucke, I Roy
Journal of applied microbiology 104 (6), 1624-1635, 2008
Biomimetic poly (glycerol sebacate)(PGS) membranes for cardiac patch application
R Rai, M Tallawi, N Barbani, C Frati, D Madeddu, S Cavalli, G Graiani, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (7), 3677-3687, 2013
Poly-3-hydroxyoctanoate P (3HO), a medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate homopolymer from Pseudomonas mendocina
R Rai, DM Yunos, AR Boccaccini, JC Knowles, IA Barker, SM Howdle, ...
Biomacromolecules 12 (6), 2126-2136, 2011
Effect of substrate mechanics on cardiomyocyte maturation and growth
M Tallawi, R Rai, AR Boccaccini, KE Aifantis
Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 21 (1), 157-165, 2015
Bioactive electrospun fibers of poly (glycerol sebacate) and poly (ε‐caprolactone) for cardiac patch application
R Rai, M Tallawi, C Frati, A Falco, A Gervasi, F Quaini, JA Roether, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 4 (13), 2012-2025, 2015
Preparation and characterization of PHBV microsphere/45S5 bioactive glass composite scaffolds with vancomycin releasing function
W Li, Y Ding, R Rai, JA Roether, DW Schubert, AR Boccaccini
Materials Science and Engineering: C 41, 320-328, 2014
A handbook of applied biopolymer technology: synthesis, degradation and applications
SK Sharma, A Mudhoo
Royal society of chemistry, 2011
Novel PGS/PCL electrospun fiber mats with patterned topographical features for cardiac patch applications
M Tallawi, D Dippold, R Rai, D D'Atri, JA Roether, DW Schubert, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 69, 569-576, 2016
Poly (glycerol sebacate)/poly (butylene succinate-butylene dilinoleate) fibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering
M Tallawi, DC Zebrowski, R Rai, JA Roether, DW Schubert, M El Fray, ...
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 21 (6), 585-596, 2015
Sterilization effects on the physical properties and cytotoxicity of poly (glycerol sebacate)
R Rai, M Tallawi, JA Roether, R Detsch, N Barbani, E Rosellini, J Kaschta, ...
Materials Letters 105, 32-35, 2013
Polyaniline based polymers in tissue engineering applications: a review
R Rai, JA Roether, AR Boccaccini
Progress in Biomedical Engineering 4 (4), 042004, 2022
The homopolymer poly (3‐hydroxyoctanoate) as a matrix material for soft tissue engineering
R Rai, AR Boccaccini, JC Knowles, N Mordon, V Salih, IC Locke, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 122 (6), 3606-3617, 2011
Highly elastomeric poly (3-hydroxyoctanoate) based natural polymer composite for enhanced keratinocyte regeneration
R Rai, JA Roether, JC Knowles, N Mordan, V Salih, IC Locke, MP Gordge, ...
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 66 …, 2017
Poly (glycerol sebacate)\P oly (butylene succinate‐dilinoleate) Blends as Candidate Materials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
M Tallawi, R Rai, M R‐Gleixner, O Roerick, M Weyand, JA Roether, ...
Macromolecular Symposia 334 (1), 57-67, 2013
Polyhydroxyalkanoates: the emerging new green polymers of choice
R Rai, I Roy
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