Yeonjoo Kim
Improving streamflow prediction in the WRF-Hydro model with LSTM networks
K Cho, Y Kim
Journal of Hydrology 605, 127297, 2022
Prioritizing the best sites for treated wastewater instream use in an urban watershed using fuzzy TOPSIS
Y Kim, ES Chung, SM Jun, SU Kim
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 73, 23-32, 2013
A fuzzy multi-criteria approach to flood risk vulnerability in South Korea by considering climate change impacts
KS Jun, ES Chung, YG Kim, Y Kim
Expert Systems with Applications, 2013
Fuzzy VIKOR approach for assessing the vulnerability of the water supply to climate change and variability in South Korea
Y Kim, ES Chung
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (22), 9419-9430, 2013
Seasonal carbon dynamics and water fluxes in an a mazon rainforest
Y Kim, RG Knox, M Longo, D Medvigy, LR Hutyra, EH Pyle, SC Wofsy, ...
Global change biology 18 (4), 1322-1334, 2012
The biophysics, ecology, and biogeochemistry of functionally diverse, vertically and horizontally heterogeneous ecosystems: the Ecosystem Demography model, version 2.2 – Part 1 …
PR Longo, M., Knox, R. G., Medvigy, D. M., Levine, N. M., Dietze, M. C., Kim ...
Geosci. Model Dev. 12, 4309–4346, 2019
Quantifying the strength of soil moisture–precipitation coupling and its sensitivity to changes in surface water budget
G Wang, Y Kim, D Wang
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (3), 551-570, 2007
Assessing climate change vulnerability with group multi-criteria decision making approaches
Y Kim, ES Chung
Climatic Change 121 (2), 301-315, 2013
An index-based robust decision making framework for watershed management in a changing climate
Y Kim, ES Chung
Science of the total environment 473, 88-102, 2014
Impact of initial soil moisture anomalies on subsequent precipitation over North America in the coupled land–atmosphere model CAM3–CLM3
Y Kim, G Wang
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (3), 513-533, 2007
Development of fuzzy multi-criteria approach to prioritize locations of treated wastewater use considering climate change scenarios
ES Chung, Y Kim
Journal of Environmental Management 146, 505-516, 2014
Multi-Criteria Assessment of Spatial Robust Water Resource Vulnerability Using the TOPSIS Method Coupled with Objective and Subjective Weights in the Han River Basin
ES Chung, PJ Abdulai, H Park, Y Kim, SR Ahn, SJ Kim
Sustainability 9 (1), 29, 2017
Impact of vegetation feedback on the response of precipitation to antecedent soil moisture anomalies over North America
Y Kim, G Wang
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (3), 534-550, 2007
Modeling seasonal vegetation variation and its validation against Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations over North America
Y Kim, G Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D4), 2005
Effects of different reference periods on drought index (SPEI) estimations from 1901 to 2014
MJ Um, Y Kim, D Park, J Kim
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (10), 4989-5007, 2017
Modeling nonstationary extreme value distributions with nonlinear functions: An application using multiple precipitation projections for US cities
MJ Um, Y Kim, M Markus, DJ Wuebbles
Journal of Hydrology 552, 396-406, 2017
Evaluation and modification of the drought severity index (DSI) in East Asia
MJ Um, Y Kim, D Park
Remote sensing of environment 209, 66-76, 2018
Variability of phenology and fluxes of water and carbon with observed and simulated soil moisture in the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model (Ent TBM version 1.0. 1.0. 0)
Y Kim, PR Moorcroft, I Aleinov, MJ Puma, NY Kiang
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (12), 3837-3865, 2015
Water resource vulnerability characteristics by district’s population size in a changing climate using subjective and objective weights
ES Chung, K Won, Y Kim, H Lee
Sustainability 6 (9), 6141-6157, 2014
Role of topography in facilitating coexistence of trees and grasses within savannas
Y Kim, EAB Eltahir
Water Resources Research 40 (7), 2004
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