Khela Ram Soren
Khela Ram Soren
Sr.scientist,Plant Biotechnology
Потвърден имейл адрес: icar.gov.in
A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes
RK Varshney, M Roorkiwal, S Sun, P Bajaj, A Chitikineni, M Thudi, ...
Nature 599 (7886), 622-627, 2021
Genomics-assisted breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea
M Thudi, PM Gaur, L Krishnamurthy, RR Mir, H Kudapa, A Fikre, ...
Functional Plant Biology 41 (11), 1178-1190, 2014
Introgression of “QTL‐hotspot” region enhances drought tolerance and grain yield in three elite chickpea cultivars
C Bharadwaj, S Tripathi, KR Soren, M Thudi, RK Singh, S Sheoran, ...
The Plant Genome 14 (1), e20076, 2021
Genetic Dissection and Identification of Candidate Genes for Salinity Tolerance Using Axiom®CicerSNP Array in Chickpea
KR Soren, P Madugula, N Kumar, R Barmukh, MS Sengar, C Bharadwaj, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (14), 5058, 2020
Utility of informative SSR markers in the molecular characterization of cytoplasmic genetic male sterility-based hybrid and its parents in pigeonpea
A Bohra, IP Singh, AK Yadav, A Pathak, KR Soren, SK Chaturvedi, ...
National Academy Science Letters 38, 13-19, 2015
Addition of Pulses, Cooking Oils, and Vegetables Enhances Resistant Starch and Lowers the Glycemic Index of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
A Kumar, PA Panda, MK Lal, U Ngangkham, C Sahu, KR Soren, ...
Starch‐Stärke 72 (9-10), 1900081, 2020
Discovery of putative herbicide resistance genes and its regulatory network in chickpea using transcriptome sequencing
MA Iquebal, KR Soren, P Gangwar, PS Shanmugavadivel, K Aravind, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 958, 2017
Construction of a high-density genetic map and QTL analysis for yield, yield components and agronomic traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
R Barmukh, KR Soren, P Madugula, P Gangwar, PS Shanmugavadivel, ...
Plos one 16 (5), e0251669, 2021
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis and physiological variation modulates gene regulatory networks acclimating salinity tolerance in chickpea
N Kumar, KR Soren, C Bharadwaj, SP PR, AK Shrivastava, M Pal, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 187, 104478, 2021
Genome-wide identification and functional prediction of salt- stress related long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
N Kumar, C Bharadwaj, S Sahu, A Shiv, AK Shrivastava, SPP Reddy, ...
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 27, 2605-2619, 2021
Recent advances in molecular breeding of drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
KR Soren, K Ali, V Tyagi, A Tyagi
CSIR, 2010
Molecular and phenotypic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes as a function of drought tolerance
S Sachdeva, C Bharadwaj, V Sharma, BS Patil, KR Soren, M Roorkiwal, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 142-153, 2018
Physio-morphological and molecular analysis for salt tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
N Kumar, C Bharadwaj, A Soni, S Sachdeva, MC Yadav, M Pal, KR Soren, ...
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (4), 132-136, 2020
EST‐SSR analysis provides insights about genetic relatedness, population structure and gene flow in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus)
KR Soren, A Yadav, G Pandey, P Gangwar, AK Parihar, A Bohra, GP Dixit, ...
Plant Breeding 134 (3), 338-344, 2015
Structural modelling and molecular dynamics of a multi-stress responsive WRKY TF-DNA complex towards elucidating its role in stress signalling mechanisms in chickpea
AK Konda, R Farmer, KR Soren, S PS, A Setti
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 36 (9), 2279-2291, 2018
Morpho PHYSIOLOGICAL characterization and grouping (SAHN) of chickpea genotypes for salinity tolerance
N Kumar, C Bharadwaj, CT Satyavathi, M Pal, T Kumar, T Singhal, ...
Vegetos 30, 3, 2017
Development of SSR markers and association studies of markers with phenology and yield-related traits in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus)
KR Soren, AK Konda, P Gangwar, VA Tiwari, PS Shanmugavadivel, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 71 (8), 768-775, 2020
Comprehensive RNAseq analysis for identification of genes expressed under heat stress in lentil
J Kumar, DS Gupta, R Kesari, R Verma, S Murugesan, PS Basu, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 173 (4), 1785-1807, 2021
Global gene expression analysis of pigeonpea with male sterility conditioned by A2 cytoplasm
A Bohra, G Prasad, A Rathore, RK Saxena, S Naik SJ, S Pareek, R Jha, ...
The plant genome 14 (3), e20132, 2021
Advances in pulses genomic research
KR Soren, PG Patil, A Das, A Bohra, S Datta, SK Chaturvedi, N Nadarajan
Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, pp-25, 2012
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