David Doolin
David Doolin
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Disambiguation and co-authorship networks of the US patent inventor database (1975–2010)
GC Li, R Lai, A D’Amour, DM Doolin, Y Sun, VI Torvik, ZY Amy, L Fleming
Research Policy 43 (6), 941-955, 2014
Wireless sensors for wildfire monitoring
DM Doolin, N Sitar
Smart structures and materials 2005: sensors and smart structures …, 2005
System and method for determining relevancy of query responses in a distributed network search mechanism
Y Faybishenko, GH Kan, DM Doolin, S Waterhouse, S Boutros
US Patent 6,961,723, 2005
Distributed information discovery through searching selected registered information providers
GH Kan, Y Faybishenko, DR Cutting, TJ Camarda, DM Doolin, ...
US Patent 7,171,415, 2007
Review of validation of the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method
MM MacLaughlin, DM Doolin
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2006
System for sensing environmental conditions
D Doolin, S Glaser, N Sitar, J Radke
US Patent App. 11/303,458, 2006
Influence of kinematics on landslide mobility and failure mode
N Sitar, MM MacLaughlin, DM Doolin
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 131 (6), 716-728, 2005
System and method for multiple data sources to plug into a standardized interface for distributed deep search
Y Faybishenko, GH Kan, TJ Camarda, DM Doolin, S Waterhouse, J Beatty
US Patent 7,013,303, 2006
Distributed search in P2P networks
S Waterhouse, DM Doolin, G Kan, Y Faybishenko
IEEE Internet Computing 6 (1), 68, 2002
Time integration in discontinuous deformation analysis
DM Doolin, N Sitar
Journal of engineering mechanics 130 (3), 249-258, 2004
Investigation of slope-stability kinematics using discontinuous deformation analysis
M MacLaughlin, N Sitar, D Doolin, T Abbot
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 38 (5), 753-762, 2001
Displacement accuracy of discontinuous deformation analysis method applied to sliding block
DM Doolin, N Sitar
Journal of engineering mechanics 128 (11), 1158-1168, 2002
Project JXTA-C: Enabling a web of things
B Traversat, M Abdelaziz, D Doolin, M Duigou, JC Hugly, E Pouyoul
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Java access to numerical libraries
H Casanova, J Dongarra, DM Doolin
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 9 (11), 1279-1291, 1997
JLAPACK–compiling LAPACK Fortran to Java
DM Doolin, J Dongarra, K Seymour
Scientific Programming 7 (2), 111-138, 1999
Fracture permeability normal to bedding in layered rock masses
DM Doolin, M Mauldon
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 38 (2), 199-210, 2001
New directions in rock mechanics—report on a forum sponsored by the American Rock Mechanics Association
SD Glaser, DM Doolin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (4), 683-698, 2000
Unified displacement boundary constraint formulation for discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA)
DM Doolin
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2005
Software architecture for GPS-enabled wildfire sensorboard
DM Doolin, SD Glaser, N Sitar
TinyOS Technology Exchange 184, 2004
Design and construction of a wildfire instrumentation system using networked sensors
MM Chen, C Majidi, DM Doolin, S Glaser, N Sitar
Network Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) Retreat, Oakland California …, 2004
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