Elizabeth Turner
Early fungi from the Proterozoic era in Arctic Canada
CC Loron, C François, RH Rainbird, EC Turner, S Borensztajn, EJ Javaux
Nature 570 (7760), 232-235, 2019
Taphonomic control on microstructure in early Neoproterozoic reefal stromatolites and thrombolites
EC Turner, NP James, GM Narbonne
Palaios 15 (2), 87-111, 2000
Possible poriferan body fossils in early Neoproterozoic microbial reefs
EC Turner
Nature 596 (7870), 87-91, 2021
Microscopic calcite dendrites in cold‐water tufa: Implications for nucleation of micrite and cement
EC Turner, B Jones
Sedimentology 52 (5), 1043-1066, 2005
Neoproterozoic reef microstructures from the Little Dal Group, northwestern Canada
EC Turner, GM Narbonne, NP James
Geology 21 (3), 259-262, 1993
Zircon provenance data record the lateral extent of pancontinental, early Neoproterozoic rivers and erosional unroofing history of the Grenville orogen
RH Rainbird, NM Rayner, T Hadlari, LM Heaman, A Ielpi, EC Turner, ...
Bulletin 129 (11-12), 1408-1423, 2017
A new depositional model for glaciogenic Neoproterozoic iron formation: insights from the chemostratigraphy and basin configuration of the Rapitan iron formation
GJ Baldwin, EC Turner, BS Kamber
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49 (2), 455-476, 2012
Pinning northeastern Australia to northwestern Laurentia in the Mesoproterozoic
KPR Medig, DJ Thorkelson, WJ Davis, RH Rainbird, HD Gibson, ...
Precambrian Research 249, 88-99, 2014
Thick sulfate evaporite accumulations marking a mid-Neoproterozoic oxygenation event (Ten Stone Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada)
EC Turner, A Bekker
Bulletin 128 (1-2), 203-222, 2016
Growth dynamics of Neoproterozoic calcimicrobial reefs, Mackenzie Mountains, northwest Canada
EC Turner, NP James, GM Narbonne
Journal of Sedimentary Research 67 (3), 437-450, 1997
Arctic Bay Formation, Borden Basin, Nunavut (Canada): Basin evolution, black shale, and dissolved metal systematics in the Mesoproterozoic ocean
EC Turner, BS Kamber
Precambrian Research 208, 1-18, 2012
Organic-walled microfossils from the late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic lower Shaler Supergroup (Arctic Canada): diversity and biostratigraphic significance
CC Loron, RH Rainbird, EC Turner, JW Greenman, EJ Javaux
Precambrian Research 321, 349-374, 2019
Understanding the microscale spatial distribution and mineralogical residency of Re in pyrite: Examples from carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb ores and implications for pyrite Re-Os …
D Hnatyshin, RA Creaser, S Meffre, RA Stern, JJ Wilkinson, EC Turner
Chemical Geology 533, 119427, 2020
Mesoproterozoic carbonate systems in the Borden Basin, Nunavut
EC Turner
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 46 (12), 915-938, 2009
A template for an improved rock-based subdivision of the pre-Cryogenian timescale
GA Shields, RA Strachan, SM Porter, GP Halverson, FA Macdonald, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 179 (1), jgs2020-222, 2022
Framework composition of early Neoproterozoic calcimicrobial reefs and associated microbialites, Mackenzie Mountains, NWT, Canada
EC Turner, GM Narbonne, NP James
Basin architecture and syndepositional fault activity during deposition of the Neoproterozoic Mackenzie Mountains supergroup, Northwest Territories, Canada
EC Turner, DGF Long
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45 (10), 1159-1184, 2008
Early Neoproterozoic origin of the metazoan clade recorded in carbonate rock texture
F Neuweiler, EC Turner, DJ Burdige
Geology 37 (5), 475-478, 2009
Tectonic, sedimentary and metallogenic re-evaluation of basal strata in the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins, Nunavut, Canada: Are unconformity-type uranium concentrations a …
DGF Long, EC Turner
Precambrian Research 214, 192-209, 2012
Late Mesoproterozoic rifting in Arctic Canada during Rodinia assembly: impactogens, trans‐continental far‐field stress and zinc mineralisation
EC Turner, DGF Long, RH Rainbird, JA Petrus, NM Rayner
Terra Nova 28 (3), 188-194, 2016
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