Klaus Reicherter
Klaus Reicherter
Prof. of Geology (Neotectonics and Natural Hazards), RWTH Aachen University
Потвърден имейл адрес: nug.rwth-aachen.de
A comprehensive classification of Earthquake Archaeological Effects (EAE) in archaeoseismology: Application to ancient remains of Roman and Mesoamerican cultures
MA Rodríguez-Pascua, R Pérez-López, JL Giner-Robles, PG Silva, ...
Quaternary International 242 (1), 20-30, 2011
Landslide susceptibility mapping by using a geographic information system (GIS) along the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (Karakoram Highway), Pakistan
S Ali, P Biermanns, R Haider, K Reicherter
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 999-1022, 2019
Remobilization of pollutants during extreme flood events poses severe risks to human and environmental health
SE Crawford, M Brinkmann, JD Ouellet, F Lehmkuhl, K Reicherter, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 421, 126691, 2022
Alpine tectonics north of the Alps
K Reicherter, N Froitzheim, M Jarosiński, J Badura, HJ Franzke, ...
Palaeoseismology: historical and prehistorical records of earthquake ground effects for seismic hazard assessment
K Reicherter, AM Michetti, PGS Barroso
Paleostress states at the south-western margin of the Central European Basin System—Application of fault-slip analysis to unravel a polyphase deformation pattern
J Sippel, M Scheck-Wenderoth, K Reicherter, S Mazur
Tectonophysics 470 (1-2), 129-146, 2009
The SCOPSCO drilling project recovers more than 1.2 million years of history from Lake Ohrid
B Wagner, T Wilke, S Krastel, G Zanchetta, R Sulpizio, K Reicherter, ...
Scientific Drilling 17, 19-29, 2014
Surface and subsurface palaeoseismic records at the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia and the Bolonia Bay area, Cádiz (south Spain)
PG Silva, K Reicherter, C Grützner, T Bardají, J Lario, JL Goy, C Zazo, ...
The potential of Lake Ohrid for long-term palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
B Wagner, K Reicherter, G Daut, M Wessels, A Matzinger, A Schwalb, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259 (2-3), 341-356, 2008
Block and boulder accumulations along the coastline between Fins and Sur (Sultanate of Oman): tsunamigenic remains?
G Hoffmann, K Reicherter, T Wiatr, C Grützner, T Rausch
Natural hazards 65, 851-873, 2013
Repeated palaeoseismic activity of the Ventas de Zafarraya fault (S Spain) and its relation with the 1884 Andalusian earthquake
KR Reicherter, A Jabaloy, J Galindo-Zaldívar, P Ruano, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 912-922, 2003
The impact of the 1945 Makran tsunami along the coastlines of the Arabian Sea (Northern Indian Ocean)–a review
G Hoffmann, M Rupprechter, N Al Balushi, C Grützner, K Reicherter
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 57 (4), 257-277, 2013
Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania)
K Lindhorst, S Krastel, K Reicherter, M Stipp, B Wagner, T Schwenk
Basin Research 27 (1), 84-101, 2015
Evolution of ancient Lake Ohrid: a tectonic perspective
N Hoffmann, K Reicherter, T Fernández-Steeger, C Grützner
Biogeosciences 7 (10), 3377-3386, 2010
Variation of the present-day stress field within the North German Basin—insights from thin shell FE modeling based on residual GPS velocities
A Kaiser, K Reicherter, C Hübscher, D Gajewski
Tectonophysics 397 (1-2), 55-72, 2005
The Seismic History of the Pisia Fault (Eastern Corinth Rift, Greece) From Fault Plane Weathering Features and Cosmogenic 36Cl Dating
S Mechernich, S Schneiderwind, J Mason, ID Papanikolaou, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 4266-4284, 2018
Strain and stress
J Kley, HJ Franzke, F Jähne, C Krawczyk, T Lohr, K Reicherter, ...
Dynamics of complex intracontinental basins: The Central European basin …, 2008
Sedimentation during basin inversion
T Voigt, K Reicherter, H Von Eynatten, R Littke, S Voigt, J Kley
Dynamics of complex intracontinental basins. The Central European Basin …, 2008
Erosion of continental margins in the Western Mediterranean due to sea-level stagnancy during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
J Just, C Hübscher, C Betzler, T Lüdmann, K Reicherter
Geo-Marine Letters 31, 51-64, 2011
Soft-sediment deformation of Late Pleistocene sediments along the southwestern coast of the Baltic Sea (NE Germany)
G Hoffmann, K Reicherter
International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 351-363, 2012
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