Ashish Bhaskar
Passenger segmentation using smart card data
LM Kieu, A Bhaskar, E Chung
IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 16 (3), 1537-1548, 2015
A systematic mapping review of surrogate safety assessment using traffic conflict techniques
A Arun, MM Haque, A Bhaskar, S Washington, T Sayed
Accident Analysis & Prevention 153, 106016, 2021
Fundamental understanding on the use of Bluetooth scanner as a complementary transport data
A Bhaskar, E Chung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 37, 42-72, 2013
Real-time traffic state estimation in urban corridors from heterogeneous data
A Nantes, D Ngoduy, A Bhaskar, M Miska, E Chung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 99-118, 2016
Public transport travel-time variability definitions and monitoring
LM Kieu, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Journal of Transportation Engineering 141 (1), 04014068, 2015
Optimal vehicle trajectory planning with control constraints and recursive implementation for automated on-ramp merging
Y Zhou, ME Cholette, A Bhaskar, E Chung
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (9), 3409-3420, 2018
A modified density-based scanning algorithm with noise for spatial travel pattern analysis from smart card AFC data
LM Kieu, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 58, 193-207, 2015
Fusing loop detector and probe vehicle data to estimate travel time statistics on signalized urban networks
A Bhaskar, E Chung, AG Dumont
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 26 (6), 433-450, 2011
Assessing traffic disturbance, efficiency, and safety of the mixed traffic flow of connected vehicles and traditional vehicles by considering human factors
A Sharma, Z Zheng, J Kim, A Bhaskar, MM Haque
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 124, 102934, 2021
Assessment of antenna characteristic effects on pedestrian and cyclists travel-time estimation based on Bluetooth and WiFi MAC addresses
N Abedi, A Bhaskar, E Chung, M Miska
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 60, 124-141, 2015
Modelling car-following behaviour of connected vehicles with a focus on driver compliance
A Sharma, Z Zheng, A Bhaskar, MM Haque
Transportation research part B: methodological 126, 256-279, 2019
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi MAC address based crowd collection and monitoring: Benefits, challenges and enhancement
N Abedi, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Australasian Transport Research Forum 2013 Proceedings, 1-17, 2013
Transit OD matrix estimation using smartcard data: Recent developments and future research challenges
E Hussain, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125, 103044, 2021
A self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm for dynamic vehicle routing problems with traffic congestion
NR Sabar, A Bhaskar, E Chung, A Turky, A Song
Swarm and evolutionary computation 44, 1018-1027, 2019
Is more always better? The impact of vehicular trajectory completeness on car-following model calibration and validation
A Sharma, Z Zheng, A Bhaskar
Transportation research part B: methodological 120, 49-75, 2019
Arterial traffic congestion analysis using Bluetooth duration data
T Tsubota, A Bhaskar, E Chung, R Billot
Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 1-14, 2011
Macroscopic fundamental diagram for Brisbane, Australia: empirical findings on network partitioning and incident detection
T Tsubota, A Bhaskar, E Chung
Transportation Research Record 2421 (1), 12-21, 2014
Urban traffic state estimation: Fusing point and zone based data
A Bhaskar, T Tsubota, E Chung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 48, 120-142, 2014
A bivariate extreme value model for estimating crash frequency by severity using traffic conflicts
A Arun, MM Haque, A Bhaskar, S Washington, T Sayed
Analytic methods in accident research 32, 100180, 2021
A state-constrained optimal control based trajectory planning strategy for cooperative freeway mainline facilitating and on-ramp merging maneuvers under congested traffic
Y Zhou, E Chung, A Bhaskar, ME Cholette
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 109, 321-342, 2019
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