Domonkos A. Tasi
Domonkos A. Tasi
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Потвърден имейл адрес: ruhr-uni-bochum.de - Начална страница
Rethinking the X− + CH3Y [X = OH, SH, CN, NH2, PH2; Y = F, Cl, Br, I] SN2 reactions
DA Tasi, Z Fábián, G Czakó
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (15), 7924-7931, 2019
Benchmark ab Initio Characterization of the Inversion and Retention Pathways of the OH + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, I] SN2 Reactions
DA Tasi, Z Fábián, G Czakó
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (26), 5773-5780, 2018
On the development of a gold-standard potential energy surface for the OH− + CH3I reaction
DA Tasi, T Győri, G Czakó
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (7), 3775-3778, 2020
Uncovering an oxide ion substitution for the OH− + CH3F reaction
DA Tasi, G Czako
Chemical Science 12 (43), 14369-14375, 2021
First-Principles Reaction Dynamics beyond Six-Atom Systems
G Czakó, T Győri, D Papp, V Tajti, DA Tasi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (12), 2385-2393, 2021
Benchmark ab initio and dynamical characterization of the stationary points of reactive atom+ alkane and SN 2 potential energy surfaces
G Czakó, T Győri, B Olasz, D Papp, I Szabó, V Tajti, DA Tasi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (8), 4298-4312, 2020
Unconventional SN2 retention pathways induced by complex formation: High-level dynamics investigation of the NH2 + CH3I polyatomic reaction
DA Tasi, G Czakó
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (18), 184306, 2022
SN2 Reactions with an Ambident Nucleophile: A Benchmark Ab Initio Study of the CN + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, and I] Systems
Z Kerekes, DA Tasi, G Czakó
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126 (6), 889-900, 2022
A benchmark ab initio study of the complex potential energy surfaces of the OH− + CH3CH2Y [Y= F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
DA Tasi, C Tokaji, G Czakó
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (24), 13526-13534, 2021
Quasi-classical trajectory study of the OH− + CH3I reaction: Theory meets experiment
DA Tasi, T Michaelsen, R Wester, G Czako
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 4005-4014, 2023
First-principles mode-specific reaction dynamics
G Czakó, B Gruber, D Papp, V Tajti, DA Tasi, C Yin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 15818-15830, 2024
Comment on “Causation or only correlation? Application of causal inference graphs for evaluating causality in nano-QSAR models” by N. Sizochenko, A. Gajewicz, J. Leszczynski …
DA Tasi, J Csontos, B Nagy, Z Kónya, G Tasi
Nanoscale 10 (44), 20863-20866, 2018
Vibrational mode-specificity in the dynamics of the OH−+ CH3I multi-channel reaction
DA Tasi, G Czakó
The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (4), 044305, 2024
Egy tragikus tévedés és következményei: A szocialista cenzúra kihúzásai Szent-Györgyi Albert önéletrajzi írásaiból
IM Tasiné Csúcs, DA Tasi
Szeged: a Város folyóirata 28 (1), 42-48, 2016
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the complex potential energy surfaces of the HOO− + CH3Y [Y= F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
DA Tasi, G Czako
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 16048-16059, 2024
Szent-Györgyi Albert visszaemlékezése életéről, munkájáról, koráról
IM Tasiné Csúcs, DA Tasi
Magyar Tudomány, 7, 2017
Benchmark Ab Initio Mapping of the F– + CH2ClI SN2 and Proton-Abstraction Reactions
DA Tasi, EM Orján, G Czakó
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2024
Ki volt Ráth István, és mi volt a szerepe Szent-Györgyi Albert emigrációjában?
IM Tasiné Csúcs, DA Tasi
Létünk 2, 149, 2019
Mit tudunk Ráth Istvánról, Szent-Györgyi Albert tőkés támogatójáról?[What do we know about István Ráth, Albert Szent-Györgyi's financial supporter?]
IM Tasiné Csúcs, NA Kovács, DA Tasi
MÓRA FERENC MÚZEUM ÉVKÖNYVE (2014-) 5, 119-124, 2018
A legendás tudós, Szent-Györgyi Albert önéletrajzi értekezései
A Szent-Györgyi, IM Tasiné Csúcs, DA Tasi, NA Kovács
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