Horlait Denis
Horlait Denis
CNRS / LP2i - Bordeaux
Потвърден имейл адрес: cenbg.in2p3.fr
Thermal properties of rare‐earth monosilicates for EBC on Si‐based ceramic composites
N Al Nasiri, N Patra, D Horlait, DD Jayaseelan, WE Lee
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2), 589-596, 2016
Synthesis and DFT investigation of new bismuth-containing MAX phases
D Horlait, SC Middleburgh, A Chroneos, WE Lee
Scientific reports 6 (1), 18829, 2016
Stability and Structural Evolution of CeIV1–xLnIIIxO2–x/2 Solid Solutions: A Coupled μ-Raman/XRD Approach
D Horlait, L Claparede, N Clavier, S Szenknect, N Dacheux, J Ravaux, ...
Inorganic chemistry 50 (15), 7150-7161, 2011
Attempts to synthesise quaternary MAX phases (Zr,M)2AlC and Zr2(Al,A)C as a way to approach Zr2AlC
D Horlait, S Grasso, A Chroneos, WE Lee
Materials Research Letters 4 (3), 137-144, 2016
Synthesis and physical properties of (Zr1−x,Tix)3AlC2 MAX phases
E Zapata‐Solvas, MA Hadi, D Horlait, DC Parfitt, A Thibaud, A Chroneos, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (8), 3393-3401, 2017
Synthesis and oxidation testing of MAX phase composites in the Cr–Ti–Al–C quaternary system
D Horlait, S Grasso, N Al Nasiri, PA Burr, WE Lee
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2), 682-690, 2016
Zirconium carbide oxidation: Kinetics and oxygen diffusion through the intermediate layer
C Gasparrini, RJ Chater, D Horlait, L Vandeperre, WE Lee
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101 (6), 2638-2652, 2018
Dissolution of cerium (IV)–Lanthanide (III) oxides: comparative effect of chemical composition, temperature, and acidity
D Horlait, N Clavier, S Szenknect, N Dacheux, V Dubois
Inorganic chemistry 51 (6), 3868-3878, 2012
Environmental SEM monitoring of Ce 1− x Ln x O 2− x/2 mixed-oxide microstructural evolution during dissolution
D Horlait, L Claparede, F Tocino, N Clavier, J Ravaux, S Szenknect, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (15), 5193-5203, 2014
Experimental synthesis and density functional theory investigation of radiation tolerance of Zr3(Al1‐xSix)C2 MAX phases
E Zapata‐Solvas, SRG Christopoulos, N Ni, DC Parfitt, D Horlait, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (4), 1377-1387, 2017
Synthesis and characterization of Th1−x LnxO2−x/2 mixed-oxides
D Horlait, N Clavier, N Dacheux, R Cavalier, R Podor
Materials Research Bulletin 47 (12), 4017, 2012
Application of the UMACS process to highly dense U1− xAmxO2±δ MABB fuel fabrication for the DIAMINO irradiation
T Delahaye, F Lebreton, D Horlait, N Herlet, P Dehaudt
Journal of nuclear materials 432 (1-3), 305-312, 2013
Peculiar Behavior of (U,Am)O2−δ Compounds for High Americium Contents Evidenced by XRD, XAS, and Raman Spectroscopy
F Lebreton, D Horlait, R Caraballo, PM Martin, AC Scheinost, A Rossberg, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (20), 9749-9760, 2015
On the stoichiometry of zirconium carbide
C Gasparrini, D Rana, N Le Brun, D Horlait, CN Markides, I Farnan, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 6347, 2020
Experimental and DFT investigation of (Cr,Ti)3AlC2 MAX phases stability
PA Burr, D Horlait, WE Lee
Materials Research Letters 5 (3), 144-157, 2017
Recent progress on minor-actinide-bearing oxide fuel fabrication at CEA Marcoule
F Lebreton, D Prieur, D Horlait, T Delahaye, A Jankowiak, C Léorier, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 438 (1-3), 99-107, 2013
XRD monitoring of α self-irradiation in uranium–americium mixed oxides
D Horlait, F Lebreton, P Roussel, T Delahaye
Inorganic Chemistry 52 (24), 14196-14204, 2013
Zirconium carbide oxidation: Maltese cross formation and interface characterization
C Gasparrini, R Podor, D Horlait, R Chater, WE Lee
Oxidation of Metals 88, 509-519, 2017
Catalytic dissolution of ceria under mild conditions
M Virot, T Chave, D Horlait, N Clavier, N Dacheux, J Ravaux, SI Nikitenko
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (29), 14734-14740, 2012
Americium-based oxides: Dense pellet fabrication from co-converted oxalates
D Horlait, F Lebreton, A Gauthé, M Caisso, B Arab-Chapelet, S Picart, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 444 (1-3), 181-185, 2014
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