Deep learning for answer sentence selection L Yu, KM Hermann, P Blunsom, S Pulman arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1632, 2014 | 537 | 2014 |
Automatic extraction of protein interactions from scientific abstracts J Thomas, D Milward, C Ouzounis, S Pulman, M Carroll Biocomputing 2000, 541-552, 1999 | 393 | 1999 |
Sentiment composition K Moilanen, S Pulman International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP, 2007 | 304 | 2007 |
Word meaning and belief SG Pulman Routledge, 2016 | 232 | 2016 |
A classifier-based approach to preposition and determiner error correction in L2 English R De Felice, S Pulman Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on computational …, 2008 | 201 | 2008 |
Computational morphology: practical mechanisms for the English lexicon GD Ritchie MIT press, 1992 | 201 | 1992 |
Combining symbolic and distributional models of meaning S Clark, S Pulman | 198 | 2007 |
Open-domain question answering goes conversational via question rewriting R Anantha, S Vakulenko, Z Tu, S Longpre, S Pulman, S Chappidi arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04898, 2020 | 178 | 2020 |
Automatic short answer marking S Pulman, J Sukkarieh Proceedings of the second workshop on Building Educational Applications …, 2005 | 153 | 2005 |
Characterizing humour: An exploration of features in humorous texts R Mihalcea, S Pulman International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2007 | 151 | 2007 |
Automarking: using computational linguistics to score short ‚free− text responses J Sukkarieh, S Pulman, N Raikes | 119 | 2003 |
Spoken Language Translator: First-Year Report MS Agnäs, H Alshawi, I Bretan, D Carter, K Ceder, M Collins, R Crouch, ... Jan, 1994 | 118 | 1994 |
Higher order unification and the interpretation of focus SG Pulman Linguistics and Philosophy 20, 73-115, 1997 | 117 | 1997 |
Concrete sentence spaces for compositional distributional models of meaning E Grefenstette, M Sadrzadeh, S Clark, B Coecke, S Pulman Computing meaning, 71-86, 2014 | 114 | 2014 |
Tweets about hospital quality: a mixed methods study F Greaves, AA Laverty, DR Cano, K Moilanen, S Pulman, A Darzi, ... BMJ quality & safety 23 (10), 838-846, 2014 | 110 | 2014 |
Aspectual shift as type coercion SG Pulman Transactions of the Philological Society 95 (2), 279-317, 1997 | 104 | 1997 |
Grammars, parsers, and memory limitations SG Pulman Language and Cognitive processes 1 (3), 197-225, 1986 | 100 | 1986 |
A Unified Sentence Space for Categorical Distributional− Compositional Semantics: Theory and Experiments D Kartsaklis, M Sadrzadeh, S Pulman Mumbai ‚India, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Spoken language translation with mid-90's technology: A case study M Rayner, I Bretan, D Carter, M Collins, V Digalakis, B Gamback, J Kaja, ... Proc. Eurospeech 1993, 1299-1302, 1993 | 93 | 1993 |
Overview of the Core Language Engine. H Alshawi, DM Carter, J van Eijck, RC Moore, DB Moran, SG Pulman FGCS, 1108-1115, 1988 | 90 | 1988 |