Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Denis PapernoНаучете повече
Не е налице никъде: 2
About neural networks and writing definitions
T Mickus, M Constant, D Paperno
Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 42 (2), 95-117, 2021
Изисквания: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Semantics and Deep Learning
L Abzianidze, L Bylinina, D Paperno
Elements in Semantics, 2024
Изисквания: European Commission
Налице някъде: 13
Human and machine judgements for Russian semantic relatedness
A Panchenko, D Ustalov, N Arefyev, D Paperno, N Konstantinova, ...
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 5th International Conference …, 2017
Изисквания: German Research Foundation, European Commission
What do you mean, BERT?
T Mickus, D Paperno, M Constant, K van Deemter
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2020, 279-290, 2020
Изисквания: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
How to dissect a Muppet: The structure of transformer embedding spaces
T Mickus, D Paperno, M Constant
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 10, 981-996, 2022
Изисквания: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Distributional effects of gender contrasts across categories
T Mickus, O Bonami, D Paperno
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2, 174-184, 2019
Изисквания: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Corpus-based estimates of word association predict biases in judgment of word co-occurrence likelihood
D Paperno, M Marelli, K Tentori, M Baroni
Cognitive psychology 74, 66-83, 2014
Изисквания: Government of Italy
Distributional semantics in use
R Bernardi, G Boleda Torrent, R Fernández, D Paperno
EMNLP 2015: Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse …, 2015
Изисквания: European Commission
Geo-aware image caption generation
S Nikiforova, T Deoskar, D Paperno, Y Winter
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational …, 2020
Изисквания: European Commission
Génération automatique de définitions pour le français
T Mickus, M Constant, D Paperno
6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition …, 2020
Изисквания: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Choosing between long and short word forms in mandarin
L Li, K van Deemter, D Paperno, J Fan
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on natural language …, 2019
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
„mann “is to “donna” as [国王] is to «reine» adapting the analogy task for multilingual and contextual embeddings
T Mickus, E Calò, L Jacqmin, D Paperno, M Constant
Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, 270-283, 2023
Изисквания: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A game interface to study semantic grounding in text-based models
T Mickus, M Constant, D Paperno
2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 1-5, 2021
Изисквания: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Distributional semantics in use
G Boleda, R Bernardi, R Fernández, D Paperno
ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2015
Изисквания: European Commission
Introduction. Section 1
D Paperno
Mandenkan. Bulletin semestriel d’études linguistiques mandé, 7-8, 2014
Изисквания: Swiss National Science Foundation
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