Complex network from pseudoperiodic time series: Topology versus dynamics J Zhang, M Small Physical review letters 96 (23), 238701, 2006 | 900 | 2006 |
Applied nonlinear time series analysis: applications in physics, physiology and finance M Small World Scientific, 2005 | 557 | 2005 |
Superfamily phenomena and motifs of networks induced from time series X Xu, J Zhang, M Small Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (50), 19601-19605, 2008 | 545 | 2008 |
Recurrence-based time series analysis by means of complex network methods RV Donner, M Small, JF Donges, N Marwan, Y Zou, R Xiang, J Kurths International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21 (04), 1019-1046, 2011 | 490 | 2011 |
Complex network analysis of time series ZK Gao, M Small, J Kurths Europhysics Letters 116 (5), 50001, 2017 | 315 | 2017 |
Epidemic dynamics on scale-free networks with piecewise linear infectivity and immunization X Fu, M Small, DM Walker, H Zhang Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (3 …, 2008 | 272 | 2008 |
The impact of awareness on epidemic spreading in networks Q Wu, X Fu, M Small, XJ Xu Chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science 22 (1), 2012 | 248 | 2012 |
Dynamic versus static biomarkers in cancer immune checkpoint blockade: unravelling complexity WJ Lesterhuis, A Bosco, MJ Millward, M Small, AK Nowak, RA Lake Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 16 (4), 264-272, 2017 | 237 | 2017 |
Characterizing pseudoperiodic time series through the complex network approach J Zhang, J Sun, X Luo, K Zhang, T Nakamura, M Small Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237 (22), 2856-2865, 2008 | 218 | 2008 |
Sensitization to immune checkpoint blockade through activation of a STAT1/NK axis in the tumor microenvironment RM Zemek, E De Jong, WL Chin, IS Schuster, VS Fear, TH Casey, ... Science translational medicine 11 (501), eaav7816, 2019 | 212 | 2019 |
Surrogate test for pseudoperiodic time series data M Small, D Yu, RG Harrison Physical Review Letters 87 (18), 188101, 2001 | 209 | 2001 |
Hub nodes inhibit the outbreak of epidemic under voluntary vaccination H Zhang, J Zhang, C Zhou, M Small, B Wang New Journal of Physics 12 (2), 023015, 2010 | 165 | 2010 |
Time lagged ordinal partition networks for capturing dynamics of continuous dynamical systems M McCullough, M Small, T Stemler, HHC Iu Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 25 (5), 2015 | 157 | 2015 |
Basin of attraction determines hysteresis in explosive synchronization Y Zou, T Pereira, M Small, Z Liu, J Kurths Physical review letters 112 (11), 114102, 2014 | 157 | 2014 |
Small world and scale free model of transmission of SARS M Small, CK Tse International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15 (05), 1745-1755, 2005 | 143 | 2005 |
Synchronization of chaotic systems and their machine-learning models T Weng, H Yang, C Gu, J Zhang, M Small Physical Review E 99 (4), 042203, 2019 | 130 | 2019 |
Optimal embedding parameters: a modelling paradigm M Small, CK Tse Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 194 (3-4), 283-296, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Efficient implementation of the Gaussian kernel algorithm in estimating invariants and noise level from noisy time series data D Yu, M Small, RG Harrison, C Diks Physical Review E 61 (4), 3750, 2000 | 127 | 2000 |
Scale-free distribution of avian influenza outbreaks M Small, DM Walker, CK Tse Physical review letters 99 (18), 188702, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
Is breathing in infants chaotic? Dimension estimates for respiratory patterns during quiet sleep M Small, K Judd, M Lowe, S Stick Journal of Applied Physiology 86 (1), 359-376, 1999 | 121 | 1999 |