Martin O'Flaherty
Martin O'Flaherty
Потвърден имейл адрес: uq.edu.au
Very young adolescents and alcohol: Evidence of a unique susceptibility to peer alcohol use
AB Kelly, GCK Chan, JW Toumbourou, M O'Flaherty, R Homel, GC Patton, ...
Addictive behaviors 37 (4), 414-419, 2012
Gender differences in the impact of families on alcohol use: A lagged longitudinal study of early adolescents
AB Kelly, M O'Flaherty, JW Toumbourou, JP Connor, SA Hemphill, ...
Addiction 106 (8), 1427-1436, 2011
The influence of parents, siblings and peers on pre‐and early‐teen smoking: A multilevel model
AB Kelly, M O'FLAHERTY, JP Connor, R Homel, JW Toumbourou, ...
Drug and alcohol review 30 (4), 381-387, 2011
Neoliberalism, inequality and politics: The changing face of Australia
M Western, J Baxter, J Pakulski, B Tranter, J Western, M Van Egmond, ...
Australian Journal of Social Issues 42 (3), 401-418, 2007
Family relationship quality and early alcohol use: Evidence for gender-specific risk processes
AB Kelly, JW Toumbourou, M O'Flaherty, GC Patton, R Homel, JP Connor, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 72 (3), 399-407, 2011
Home visits: Transnationalism among Australian migrants
M O'Flaherty, Z Skrbis, B Tranter
Ethnic and racial studies 30 (5), 817-844, 2007
Evaluación de déficit de atención con hiperactividad: la escala SNAP IV adaptada a la Argentina
N Grañana, A Richaudeau, CR Gorriti, M O'Flaherty, ME Scotti, L Sixto, ...
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 29, 344-349, 2011
The family life course and health: Partnership, fertility histories, and later-life physical health trajectories in Australia
M O’Flaherty, J Baxter, M Haynes, G Turrell
Demography 53, 777-804, 2016
The influence of families on early adolescent school connectedness: Evidence that this association varies with adolescent involvement in peer drinking networks
AB Kelly, M O’Flaherty, JW Toumbourou, R Homel, GC Patton, A White, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 40, 437-447, 2012
Time trends and sociodemographic inequalities in the prevalence of adolescent motherhood in 74 low-income and middle-income countries: a population-based study
MM Huda, M O'Flaherty, JE Finlay, A Al Mamun
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 5 (1), 26-36, 2021
Sexual orientation and adolescent time use: How sexual minority youth spend their time
F Perales, A Campbell, M O'Flaherty
Child Development 91 (3), 983-1000, 2020
Housing consumption patterns and earnings behaviour of income support recipients over time
T Seelig
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2008
Effect of health insurance on the utilisation of allied health services by people with chronic disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
EH Skinner, M Foster, G Mitchell, M Haynes, M O’Flaherty, TP Haines
Australian Journal of Primary Health 20 (1), 9-19, 2014
Test-retest reliability of perceptions of the neighborhood environment for physical activity by socioeconomic status
G Turrell, M Haynes, M O’Flaherty, N Burton, K Giskes, B Giles-Corti, ...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 8 (6), 829-840, 2011
Tenancy databases: risk minimisation and outcomes
P Short, J Minnery, E Mead, B Adkins, A Peake, D Fedrick, M O'Flaherty
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2003
Children's sleep and fathers' health and wellbeing: A systematic review
L Coles, K Thorpe, S Smith, B Hewitt, L Ruppanner, O Bayliss, ...
Sleep Medicine Reviews 61, 101570, 2022
Early life course family structure and children’s socio-emotional and behavioural functioning: A view from Australia
F Perales, M O’Flaherty, J Baxter
Child Indicators Research 9, 1003-1028, 2016
Tenancy databases, professional practices and housing access among low‐income tenants in the private rental sector in Australia
P Short, J Minnery, E Mead, M O’flaherty, A Peake
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30 (4), 930-943, 2006
Do extracurricular activities contribute to better adolescent outcomes? A fixed‐effects panel data approach
M O'Flaherty, J Baxter, A Campbell
Journal of adolescence 94 (6), 855-866, 2022
The ‘developmental gradient’revisited: Australian children's time with adult caregivers from infancy to middle childhood
M O'Flaherty, J Baxter
Social Science Research 86, 102397, 2020
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