Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Fuzhong LiНаучете повече
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Modeling interaction effects: A two-stage least squares example
F Li, P Harmer
Interaction and nonlinear effects in structural equation modeling, 153-166, 2017
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Налице някъде: 29
Tai chi and postural stability in patients with Parkinson's disease
F Li, P Harmer, K Fitzgerald, E Eckstrom, R Stock, J Galver, G Maddalozzo, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 366 (6), 511-519, 2012
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Built environment, adiposity, and physical activity in adults aged 50–75
F Li, PA Harmer, BJ Cardinal, M Bosworth, A Acock, D Johnson-Shelton, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 35 (1), 38-46, 2008
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Obesity and the built environment: does the density of neighborhood fast-food outlets matter?
F Li, P Harmer, BJ Cardinal, M Bosworth, D Johnson-Shelton
American Journal of Health Promotion 23 (3), 203-209, 2009
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Built environment and 1-year change in weight and waist circumference in middle-aged and older adults: Portland Neighborhood Environment and Health Study
F Li, P Harmer, BJ Cardinal, M Bosworth, D Johnson-Shelton, JM Moore, ...
American journal of epidemiology 169 (4), 401-408, 2009
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Effectiveness of a therapeutic Tai Ji Quan intervention vs a multimodal exercise intervention to prevent falls among older adults at high risk of falling: a randomized clinical …
F Li, P Harmer, K Fitzgerald, E Eckstrom, L Akers, LS Chou, D Pidgeon, ...
JAMA internal medicine 178 (10), 1301-1310, 2018
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Built environment and changes in blood pressure in middle aged and older adults
F Li, P Harmer, BJ Cardinal, N Vongjaturapat
Preventive medicine 48 (3), 237-241, 2009
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
A randomized controlled trial of patient‐reported outcomes with tai chi exercise in Parkinson's disease
F Li, P Harmer, Y Liu, E Eckstrom, K Fitzgerald, R Stock, LS Chou
Movement Disorders 29 (4), 539-545, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Exercise and fall prevention: narrowing the research‐to‐practice gap and enhancing integration of clinical and community practice
F Li, E Eckstrom, P Harmer, K Fitzgerald, J Voit, KA Cameron
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64 (2), 425-431, 2016
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Transforming traditional Tai Ji Quan techniques into integrative movement therapy - Tai Ji Quan: Moving for better balance
F Li
Journal of sport and health science 3 (1), 9-15, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Tai Ji Quan and global cognitive function in older adults with cognitive impairment: a pilot study
F Li, P Harmer, Y Liu, LS Chou
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 58 (3), 434-439, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Implementing an evidence-based fall prevention intervention in community senior centers
F Li, P Harmer, K Fitzgerald
American journal of public health 106 (11), 2026-2031, 2016
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Implementing an Online Virtual Falls Prevention Intervention During a Public Health Pandemic for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Feasibility Trial
F Li, P Harmer, J Voit, LS Chou
Clinical Interventions in Aging 16, 973-983, 2021
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Effectiveness of Tai Ji Quan vs multimodal and stretching exercise interventions for reducing injurious falls in older adults at high risk of falling: follow-up analysis of a …
F Li, P Harmer, E Eckstrom, K Fitzgerald, LS Chou, Y Liu
JAMA network open 2 (2), e188280-e188280, 2019
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Peer Reviewed: Economic evaluation of a Tai Ji Quan intervention to reduce falls in people with Parkinson Disease, Oregon, 2008–2011
F Li, P Harmer
Preventing Chronic Disease 12, 2015
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
The effects of Tai Ji Quan training on limits of stability in older adults
F Li
Clinical interventions in aging, 1261-1268, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
A cognitively enhanced online Tai Ji Quan training intervention for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A feasibility trial
F Li, P Harmer, K Fitzgerald, K Winters-Stone
BMC Geriatrics 22, 76, 2022
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Delivering exercise medicine to cancer survivors: has COVID-19 shifted the landscape for how and who can be reached with supervised group exercise?
KM Winters-Stone, C Boisvert, F Li, KS Lyons, TM Beer, Z Mitri, G Meyers, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 30 (3), 1903-1906, 2022
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Comparison of tai chi vs. strength training for fall prevention among female cancer survivors: study protocol for the GET FIT trial
KM Winters-Stone, F Li, F Horak, SW Luoh, JA Bennett, L Nail, ...
BMC cancer 12, 1-10, 2012
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Efficacy of exercise-based interventions in preventing falls among community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment: is there enough evidence? An updated systematic …
F Li, P Harmer, E Eckstrom, BE Ainsworth, K Fitzgerald, J Voit, LS Chou, ...
Age and ageing 50 (5), 1557-1568, 2021
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
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