Elemer Briceño-Elizondo
Elemer Briceño-Elizondo
Потвърден имейл адрес: tec.ac.cr
Sensitivity of growth of Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch to climate change and forest management in boreal conditions
E Briceño-Elizondo, J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, J Matala, S Kellomäki
Forest ecology and management 232 (1-3), 152-167, 2006
Changed thinning regimes may increase carbon stock under climate change: A case study from a Finnish boreal forest
J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, E Briceno-Elizondo, S Kellomäki
Climatic Change 81, 431-454, 2007
Simulation tools for decision support to adaptive forest management in Europe
B Muys, J Hynynen, M Palahi, MJ Lexer, M Fabrika, H Pretzsch, F Gillet, ...
Forest Systems 19, 86-99, 2010
Effects of climate change and management on timber yield in boreal forests, with economic implications: A case study
J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, E Briceño-Elizondo, S Kellomäki
Ecological modelling 209 (2-4), 220-234, 2007
Carbon stocks and timber yield in two boreal forest ecosystems under current and changing climatic conditions subjected to varying management regimes
E Briceño-Elizondo, J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, S Kellomäki
Environmental Science & Policy 9 (3), 237-252, 2006
Multi-criteria evaluation of multi-purpose stand treatment programmes for Finnish boreal forests under changing climate
E Briceno-Elizondo, D Jäger, MJ Lexer, J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, ...
Ecological Indicators 8 (1), 26-45, 2008
Biomass yield and energy potential of short-rotation energy plantations of Gmelina arborea one year old in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya, D Arias-Aguilar, E Briceño-Elizondo
Industrial Crops and Products 82, 63-73, 2016
Establishment and genetic structure of Empetrum hermaphroditum populations in northern Sweden
AE Szmidt, MC Nilsson, E Briceño, O Zackrisson, XR Wang
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (5), 627-634, 2002
Does climate change affect optimal planning solutions for multi-objective forest management?
J Garcia-Gonzalo, D Jager, MJ Lexer, H Peltola, E Briceño-Elizondo, ...
Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung 179 (5/6), 77, 2008
Incidencia y severidad de Olivea tectonae Y Rhabdopterus sp. en plantaciones jóvenes de Tectona grandis Lf bajo distintas modalidades de control de arvenses
M Arguedas-Gamboa, M Rodríguez-Solís, M Guevara-Bonilla, ...
Agronomía Costarricense 43 (1), 9-19, 2019
Nematodos fitoparasíticos asociados con merey, tamarindo y semeruco en el estado Zulia y respuesta de dos cultivares de merey ante el nematodo agallador Meloidogyne incognita
G Castellano, O Quijada, N Jiménez-Pérez, E Briceño
Fitopatol. Venez 17, 6-8, 2004
Estimating carbon sequestration in the wood products pool: model adaptation and application for Austrian conditions.
E Briceño-Elizondo, MJ Lexer
Efectos de las actividades de labranza en el índice de área foliar en una plantación de Tectona grandis en la zona norte de Costa Rica
JC Valverde, M Guevara-Bonilla, D Arias, E Briceño, E Esquivel
Madera y Bosques 23 (2), 7-19, 2017
Estimating aboveground biomass for Eucalyptus saligna Sm. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn in the center region of Costa Rica
RN Camacho, EE Segura, EB Elizondo, DA Aguilar
Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú 11 (27), 22-33, 2014
Adaptive forest management at the scale of management units
FW Badeck, C Fürstenau, P Lasch, F Suckow, H Peltola, ...
Management of European forests under changing climatic conditions. Research …, 2005
Desarrollo de un modelo de producción de bambú guadua mediante la aplicación de técnicas silviculturales óptimas para la cuantificación del crecimiento y la capacidad de …
EB Elizondo
El género Xiphinema en Venezuela
J Renaud, E Briceño
Trabajo de Ascenso. Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado …, 1996
Síndrome de Burnout y la satisfacción laboral en el personal del departamento de trabajo social del Ipasme Zulia
E Briceño
Tesis de maestría). Universidad de Zulia. Venezuela, 2013
Carbon stocks in the boreal forest ecosystem in current and changing climatic conditions under different management regimes
E Briceño-Elizondo, J Garcia-Gonzalo, H Peltola, S Kellomäki
Environ. Sci. Policy 9 (3), 237-252, 2006
Establecimiento de cultivos bioenergéticos como fuente de energías alternativas, mediante el desarrollo de materiales de siembra en tres sitios de Costa Rica
E Arnáez-Serrano, I Moreira-González, F Herrera-Murillo, ...
Tecnología en marcha 32 (VIII EIE), 25-34, 2019
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