Maartje Boon
Maartje Boon
Junior Professor at University of Stuttgart
Потвърден имейл адрес: mib.uni-stuttgart.de
Experimental characterization of /water multiphase flow in heterogeneous sandstone rock at the core scale relevant for underground hydrogen storage (UHS)
M Boon, H Hajibeygi
Scientific reports 12 (1), 14604, 2022
A comparative study for H2–CH4 mixture wettability in sandstone porous rocks relevant to underground hydrogen storage
L Hashemi, M Boon, W Glerum, R Farajzadeh, H Hajibeygi
Advances in Water Resources 163, 104165, 2022
Predicting CO2 residual trapping ability based on experimental petrophysical properties for different sandstone types
H Ni, M Boon, C Garing, SM Benson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86, 158-176, 2019
Impact of experimentally measured relative permeability hysteresis on reservoir-scale performance of underground hydrogen storage (UHS)
Z Bo, M Boon, H Hajibeygi, S Hurter
international journal of hydrogen energy 48 (36), 13527-13542, 2023
Microfluidics-based analysis of dynamic contact angles relevant for underground hydrogen storage
W van Rooijen, L Hashemi, M Boon, R Farajzadeh, H Hajibeygi
Advances in Water Resources 164, 104221, 2022
Observations of the impact of rock heterogeneity on solute spreading and mixing
M Boon, B Bijeljic, S Krevor
Water Resources Research 53 (6), 4624-4642, 2017
Modelling CO2 plume spreading in highly heterogeneous rocks with anisotropic, rate-dependent saturation functions: A field-data based numeric simulation study of Otway
Q Shao, M Boon, AA Youssef, K Kurtev, SM Benson, SK Matthai
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 119, 103699, 2022
Observations of 3-D transverse dispersion and dilution in natural consolidated rock by X-ray tomography
M Boon, B Bijeljic, B Niu, S Krevor
Advances in Water Resources 96, 266-281, 2016
Anisotropic rate-dependent saturation functions for compositional simulation of sandstone composites
M Boon, SK Matthäi, Q Shao, AAA Youssef, A Mishra, SM Benson
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 209, 109934, 2022
A physics-based model to predict the impact of horizontal lamination on CO2 plume migration
M Boon, SM Benson
Advances in Water Resources 150, 103881, 2021
Microbial induced wettability alteration with implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage
M Boon, I Buntic, K Ahmed, N Dopffel, C Peters, H Hajibeygi
Scientific reports 14 (1), 8248, 2024
The GeoCquest Project: Quantifying the impact of heterogeneity on CO2 migration and trapping in saline aquifers
SM Benson, M Bickle, M Boon, PJ Cook, R Haese, K Kurtev, S Matthai, ...
14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne, 21-26, 2018
Observations of the Impact of MM-Cm Scale Lamination on the Migration and Trapping of CO 2 in Reservoir Rocks
M Boon, H Ni, SM Benson
Proceedings of the 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference, 15-18, 2021
Characterizing Subcore Heterogeneity: A New Analytical Model and Technique to Observe the Spatial Variation of Transverse Dispersion
M Boon, B Niu, S Krevor
Vienna: EGU General Assembly, 2015
Coreflooding data on nine sandstone cores to measure CO2 residual trapping
H Ni, M Boon, C Garing, SM Benson
Data in brief 25, 104249, 2019
Effect of capillary induced flow on CO2 residual trapping
M Boon, H Ni, C Garing, S Benson
14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne, 21-26, 2018
Effects of correlation length and lamination direction on CO2 residual trapping ability for different sandstone types
H Ni, M Boon, C Garing, S Benson
14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne, 21-26, 2018
The impact of rock heterogeneity on solute spreading and mixing
M Boon
Imperial College London, 2017
Multiscale experimental study of H /brine multiphase flow in porous rock characterizing relative permeability hysteresis, hydrogen dissolution, and Ostwald ripening
M Boon, T Rademaker, CW Winardhi, H Hajibeygi
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1-15, 2024
A comparative study for h [formula omitted]–ch [formula omitted] mixture wettability in sandstone porous rocks relevant to underground hydrogen storage
L Hashemi, M Boon, W Glerum, R Farajzadeh, H Hajibeygi
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