Govindaraj Kumaresan
Govindaraj Kumaresan
Professor, Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai
Потвърден имейл адрес: annauniv.edu
Review of leaf drying: Mechanism and influencing parameters, drying methods, nutrient preservation, and mathematical models
RV A.K. Babu, G. Kumaresan, V. Antony Aroul Raj
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90, 536-556, 2018
Effect of dispersion of various nanoadditives on the performance and emission characteristics of a CI engine fuelled with diesel,biodiesel and blends—A review
RV T.Shaafi, K.Sairam, A.Gopinath, G.Kumaresan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49, 563-573, 2015
Performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine with a nanofuel additive
MA Lenin, MR Swaminathan, G Kumaresan
Fuel 109, 362-365, 2013
Performance studies of a solar parabolic trough collector with a thermal energy storage system
G Kumaresan, R Sridhar, R Velraj
Energy 47 (1), 395-402, 2012
Augmenting the productivity of solar still using multiple PCMs as heat energy storage
KKRV V.S.Vigneswaran, G. Kumaresan, B.V. Dinakar
Journal of Energy Storage 26, 1-11, 2019
Experimental and numerical studies of thermal performance enhancement in the receiver part of solar parabolic trough collectors
RV G. Kumaresan, P. Sudhakar, R. Santosh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 77, 1363-1374, 2017
Technological advancements in solar energy driven humidification-dehumidification desalination systems - A review
GK R. Santosh, T. Arunkumar, R. Velraj
Journal of Cleaner Production 207, 826-845, 2018
Performance augmentation of solar photovoltaic panel through PCM integrated natural water circulation cooling technique
RV P. Sudhakar, R. Santosh, B. Asthalakshmi, G. Kumaresan
Renewable Energy 172, 1433-1448, 2020
Effects of the properties and the structural configurations of fatty acid methyl esters on the properties of biodiesel fuel: a review
A Gopinath, K Sairam, R Velraj, G Kumaresan
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part D: journal of …, 2015
Thermal Analysis of D-Mannitol for use as Phase Change Material for Latent Heat Storage
G Kumaresan, R Velraj, S Iniyan
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (16), 3044-3048, 2011
Performance assessment of a solar domestic cooking unit integrated with thermal energy storage system
RV G. Kumaresan, V.S. Vigneswaran, S. Esakkimuthu
Journal of Energy Storage 6, 70-79, 2016
Investigation of humidification-dehumidification desalination system through waste heat recovery from household air conditioning unit
R Santosh, G Kumaresan, S Selvaraj, T Arunkumar, R Velraj
Desalination 467, 1-11, 2019
Energy, Exergy, and Economic analysis of low thermal conductivity basin solar still integrated with Phase Change Material for energy storage
GK V.S. Vigneswaran, P. Ganesh Kumar, D. Sakthivadivel, K. Balaji, M ...
Journal of Energy Storage 34 (102194), 1-10, 2021
Experimental parametric investigation of waste heat powered humidification dehumidification system for production of freshwater from wastewater
RV R. Santosh, G. Kumaresan, G. Krishna Kumar
Desalination 484, 1-13, 2020
CFD studies on different configurations of drying chamber for thin-layer drying of leaves
AK Babu, G Kumaresan, V Antony Aroul Raj, R Velraj
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 42 …, 2020
Experimental and numerical investigation of solar flat plate cooking unit for domestic applications
RV G. Kumaresan, R. Santosh, G. Raju
Energy 157, 436-447, 2018
Investigation on phase change behavior of paraffin phase change material in a spherical capsule for solar thermal storage units
RV K. Hariharan, G. Senthil Kumar, G. Kumaresan
Heat Transfer Engineering 39 (9), 775-783, 2017
Parametric study of solar parabolic trough collector system
KS Manikandan, G Kumaresan, R Velraj, S Iniyan
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (6), 384-393, 2012
Experimental analysis of solar photovoltaic unit integrated with free cool thermal energy storage system
RV P. Sudhakar, G. Kumaresan
Solar Energy 158, 837-844, 2017
Study of effect of Al and Cu microparticles dispersed in D-Mannitol PCM for effective solar thermal energy storage
GK M. Pramothraj, R. Santosh, M. R. Swaminathan
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-10, 2019
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