Promothesh Chatterjee
Do payment mechanisms change the way consumers perceive products?
P Chatterjee, RL Rose
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (6), 1129-1139, 2012
Is it light or dark? Recalling moral behavior changes perception of brightness
P Banerjee, P Chatterjee, J Sinha
Psychological Science 23 (4), 407-409, 2012
The odd-ending price justification effect: the influence of price-endings on hedonic and utilitarian consumption
J Choi, YJ Li, P Rangan, P Chatterjee, SN Singh
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42, 545-557, 2014
The endowment effect as self-enhancement in response to threat
P Chatterjee, C Irmak, RL Rose
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (3), 460-476, 2013
Influence of motivated reasoning on saving and spending decisions
H Mishra, A Mishra, J Rixom, P Chatterjee
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 121 (1), 13-23, 2013
Loss is a loss, why categorize it? Mental accounting across cultures.
P Banerjee, P Chatterjee, S Mishra, AA Mishra
Journal of Consumer Behaviour., 2019
Machine-Assisted Social Psychology Hypothesis Generation
S Banker, P Chatterjee, H Mishra, A Mishra
American Psychologist 79 (6), 789–797, 2024
When store credit cards hurt retailers: The differential effect of paying credit card dues on consumers' purchasing behavior.
S Sarofim, P Chatterjee, RL Rose
Journal of Business Research, 2020
Unveiling Stars: How Graphical Displays of Online Consumer Ratings Affect Consumer Perception and Judgment
J Mousavi, S Singh, P Chatterjee, T Masters
Journal of Marketing Research, 2024
When should we not expect attraction effect? The moderating influence of analytic versus holistic thinking
P Banerjee, P Chatterjee, S Mishra, AA Mishra
Journal of Strategic Marketing., 2020
Taking a chance for a discount: An investigation into consumers’ choice of probabilistic vs. sure price promotions
A Attari, P Chatterjee, SN Singh
Journal of Business Research 143 (April 2022), 366-374, 2022
The reparation effect: Indulgent consumption increases donation behavior
P Chatterjee, A Mishra, H Mishra
Advances in Consumer Research 37, 527-528, 2010
Non-compromise extreme effect: Attribute Discriminability and Preference for an Extreme Alternative
P Banerjee, T Masters, P Chatterjee
Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2023
Response to Pashler et al.(2016)
P Chatterjee
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 38 (1), 19-29, 2016
Repulsion effect: an eye-tracking study
P Banerjee, P Chatterjee, T Masters
Managing Disruptions in Business: Causes, Conflicts, and Control, 223-237, 2022
It happens because I'm watching it: Observing an uncertain event can affect subjective probability judgments
A Attari, P Chatterjee, F Cabano
Journal of Behavioral Decision-making, 2021
The Future of Large Language Models in Social Science Research: Reply to Berger (2024) and Carrillo, Stachl and Talaifar (2024)
S Banker, P Chatterjee, H Mishra, A Mishra
American Psychologist 79 (6), 803–804, 2024
Does the First Letter of One’s Name Affect Life Decisions? A Natural Language Processing Examination of Nominative Determinism
P Chatterjee, H Mishra, A Mishra
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Self-Driving Vehicles: Exploring ways to operate safely and increase people's acceptance (Conditional Acceptance)
R Aggarwal, N Sullivan, P Chatterjee, V Midha
Production and Operations Management, 2025
Factors that Promote the Repulsion Effect in Preferential Choice
P Banerjee, W Hayes, P Chatterjee, T Masters, S Mishra, D Wedell
Judgment and Decision-making, 2024
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