Mark Fuller
The reciprocal nature of trust: A longitudinal study of interacting teams
MA Serva, MA Fuller, RC Mayer
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005
Designing interfaces with social presence: Using vividness and extraversion to create social recommendation agents
TJ Hess, M Fuller, DE Campbell
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10 (12), 1, 2009
Facilitator influence in group support systems: Intended and unintended effects
TL Griffith, MA Fuller, GB Northcraft
Information systems research 9 (1), 20-36, 1998
Clarifying the integration of trust and TAM in e-commerce environments: implications for systems design and management
MA Fuller, MA Serva, J Baroudi
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57 (3), 380-393, 2009
I know I can, but can we? Culture and efficacy beliefs in global virtual teams
AM Hardin, MA Fuller, RM Davison
Small Group Research 38 (1), 130-155, 2007
Efficacy in technology-mediated distributed teams
MA Fuller, AM Hardin, RM Davison
Journal of management information systems 23 (3), 209-235, 2006
Improving student learning of conceptual information: GSS supported collaborative learning vs. individual constructive learning
DE Leidner, M Fuller
Decision Support Systems 20 (2), 149-163, 1997
Research standards for promotion and tenure in information systems
AR Dennis, JS Valacich, MA Fuller, C Schneider
Mis Quarterly, 1-12, 2006
Involvement and decision-making performance with a decision aid: The influence of social multimedia, gender, and playfulness
TJ Hess, MA Fuller, J Mathew
Journal of Management Information Systems 22 (3), 15-54, 2005
Applying TAM to e-services adoption: the moderating role of perceived risk
M Featherman, M Fuller
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Seeing is believing: The transitory influence of reputation information on e‐commerce trust and decision making
MA Fuller, MA Serva, JS Benamati
Decision Sciences 38 (4), 675-699, 2007
Information Systems Project Management: A Process and Team Approach, Edition 1.1
MA Fuller, JS Valacich, JF George, C Schneider
Prospect Press, 2017
Aligning What We Do and What We Measure in Business Schools: Incorporating Active Learning and Effective Media Use in the Assessment of Instruction———
MA Serva, MA Fuller
Journal of Management education 28 (1), 19-38, 2004
Formative vs. reflective measurement: Comment on Marakas, Johnson, and Clay (2007)
AM Hardin, JCJ Chang, MA Fuller
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (9), 3, 2008
Trustworthiness in B2C e-commerce: An examination of alternative models
MA Serva, JS Benamati, MA Fuller
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 36 (3 …, 2005
Measuring group efficacy in virtual teams: New questions in an old debate
AM Hardin, MA Fuller, JS Valacich
Small Group Research 37 (1), 65-85, 2006
Are trust and distrust distinct constructs? An empirical study of the effects of trust and distrust among online banking users
J Benamati, MA Serva, MA Fuller
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Formative measurement and academic research: In search of measurement theory
AM Hardin, JCJ Chang, MA Fuller, G Torkzadeh
Educational and Psychological Measurement 71 (2), 281-305, 2011
Ethical information systems development: A Baumanian postmodernist perspective
S Chatterjee, S Sarker, M Fuller
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10 (11), 3, 2009
The productive tension of trust and distrust: the coexistence and relative role of trust and distrust in online banking
JS Benamati, MA Serva, MA Fuller
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 20 (4), 328-346, 2010
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