Farshad Saberi-Movahed
Farshad Saberi-Movahed
Senior Alliances Manager at NVIDIA
Потвърден имейл адрес: nvidia.com
Guanine-based DNA biosensor amplified with Pt/SWCNTs nanocomposite as analytical tool for nanomolar determination of daunorubicin as an anticancer drug: a docking/experimental …
H Karimi-Maleh, M Alizadeh, Y Orooji, F Karimi, M Baghayeri, J Rouhi, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (2), 816-823, 2021
Decoding clinical biomarker space of COVID-19: Exploring matrix factorization-based feature selection methods
F Saberi-Movahed, M Mohammadifard, A Mehrpooya, M Rezaei-Ravari, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 146, 105426, 2022
High dimensionality reduction by matrix factorization for systems pharmacology
A Mehrpooya, F Saberi-Movahed, N Azizizadeh, M Rezaei-Ravari, ...
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (1), bbab410, 2022
ML-CK-ELM: An efficient multi-layer extreme learning machine using combined kernels for multi-label classification
M Rezaei Ravari, M Eftekhari, F Saberi Movahed
Scientia Iranica 27 (6), 3005-3018, 2020
Estimation of scour propagation rates around pipelines while considering simultaneous effects of waves and currents conditions
M Najafzadeh, G Oliveto, F Saberi-Movahed
Water 14 (10), 1589, 2022
Atomistic simulation of thermal decomposition of crosslinked and non-crosslinked phenolic resin chains
F Saberi Movahed, G Cheng, BS Venkatachari, I Cozmuta
42nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 3786, 2011
A self-representation learning method for unsupervised feature selection using feature space basis
P Tiwari, FS Movahed, S Karami, F Saberi-Movahed, J Lehmann, ...
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024
Convergence analysis of the global FOM and GMRES methods for solving matrix equations with SPD coefficients
M Mohseni Moghadam, A Rivaz, A Tajaddini, F Saberi Movahed
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 41 (4), 981-1001, 2015
Impacts of surface chemistry and adsorbed ions on dynamics of water around detonation nanodiamond in aqueous salt solutions
F Saberi-Movahed, DW Brenner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.13312, 2021
What drives adsorption of ions on surface of nanodiamonds in aqueous solutions?
F Saberi-Movahed, DW Brenner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.09187, 2021
Nanodiamond-based nanolubricants: Experiment and modeling
D Brenner, Z Mahbooba, F Saberi-Movahed, J Krim, Z Liu, MG Ivanov, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1703, mrss14-1703-pp05-04, 2014
Deep metric learning with soft orthogonal proxies
F Saberi-Movahed, MK Ebrahimpour, F Saberi-Movahed, M Moshavash, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.13055, 2023
Atomistic insights into hydrogen bonds of water around detonation nanodiamonds: effects of surface chemistry and dissolved ions
F Saberi-Movahed, DW Brenner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.01385, 2021
Atomistic Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of Hydration Layers of the Detonation Nanodiamond with various Surface Chemistries in the Aqueous Solution of Inorganic Salts.
F Saberi Movahed
Feature Selection Method Based on Subspace Learning and Factorization of Basis Matrix for DNA Micro-Array Datasets
MD Zadeh, F Saberi-Movahed, M Eftekhari
intelligence in control mechanisms/A. Tarihi, H. Haghighi, F.
S Aliee, A Setarenejad, M Eftekhari, F Saberi-Movahed, QZ Sonmezoglu, ...
Unsupervised Feature Selection using a Basis of Feature Space and Self-Representation Learning
P Tiwari, FS Movahed, S Karami, F Saberi-Movahed, J Lehmann, ...
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