Gangagni Rao Anupoju
Evaluation of single and two stage anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate: Effect of pH and initial organic loading rate on volatile fatty acid (VFA) and biogas production
S Begum, GR Anupoju, S Sridhar, SK Bhargava, V Jegatheesan, ...
Bioresource technology 251, 364-373, 2018
pH regulation of alkaline wastewater with carbon dioxide: a case study of treatment of brewery wastewater in UASB reactor coupled with absorber
AG Rao, TSK Reddy, SS Prakash, J Vanajakshi, J Joseph, PN Sarma
Bioresource technology 98 (11), 2131-2136, 2007
Dry anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and cattle manure: Impact of total solids, substrate ratio and thermal pre treatment on methane yield and quality of biomanure
V Arelli, S Begum, GR Anupoju, K Kuruti, S Shailaja
Bioresource Technology 253, 273-280, 2018
Anaerobic treatment of wastewater with high suspended solids from a bulk drug industry using fixed film reactor (AFFR)
AG Rao, GV Naidu, KK Prasad, NC Rao, SV Mohan, A Jetty, PN Sarma
Bioresource Technology 96 (1), 87-93, 2005
Synthesis of novel triazole/isoxazole functionalized 7-(trifluoromethyl) pyrido [2, 3-d] pyrimidine derivatives as promising anticancer and antibacterial agents
RN Kumar, GJ Dev, N Ravikumar, DK Swaroop, B Debanjan, G Bharath, ...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 26 (12), 2927-2930, 2016
Gas phase bio-filter for the removal of triethylamine (TEA) from air: microbial diversity analysis with reference to design parameters
B Gandu, K Sandhya, AG Rao, YV Swamy
Bioresource technology 139, 155-160, 2013
Multi stage high rate biomethanation of poultry litter with self mixed anaerobic digester
AG Rao, SS Prakash, J Joseph, AR Reddy, PN Sarma
Bioresource Technology 102 (2), 729-735, 2011
Rapid generation of volatile fatty acids (VFA) through anaerobic acidification of livestock organic waste at low hydraulic residence time (HRT)
K Kuruti, S Nakkasunchi, S Begum, S Juntupally, V Arelli, GR Anupoju
Bioresource technology 238, 188-193, 2017
Biomethanation of poultry litter leachate in UASB reactor coupled with ammonia stripper for enhancement of overall performance
AG Rao, TSK Reddy, SS Prakash, J Vanajakshi, J Joseph, A Jetty, ...
Bioresource technology 99 (18), 8679-8684, 2008
Impact of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and black carbon on atmospheric ozone levels at a semi arid urban site in Hyderabad
YV Swamy, R Venkanna, GN Nikhil, D Chitanya, PR Sinha, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12 (4), 662-671, 2012
Relative evaluation of micronutrients (MN) and its respective nanoparticles (NPs) as additives for the enhanced methane generation
S Juntupally, S Begum, SK Allu, S Nakkasunchi, M Madugula, ...
Bioresource technology 238, 290-295, 2017
Exploitation of rapid acidification phenomena of food waste in reducing the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of high rate anaerobic digester without conceding on biogas yield
K Kuruti, S Begum, S Ahuja, GR Anupoju, S Juntupally, B Gandu, ...
Bioresource Technology 226, 65-72, 2017
Solid state anaerobic digestion of food waste and sewage sludge: Impact of mixing ratios and temperature on microbial diversity, reactor stability and methane yield
V Arelli, NK Mamindlapelli, S Begum, S Juntupally, GR Anupoju
Science of the Total Environment 793, 148586, 2021
Single cell protein production from digested and undigested poultry litter by Candida utilis: optimization of process parameters using response surface methodology
V Jalasutram, S Kataram, B Gandu, GR Anupoju
Clean technologies and environmental policy 15, 265-273, 2013
Anaerobic mono and co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste and landfill leachate at industrial scale: Impact of volatile organic loading rate on reaction …
TAS Jayanth, NK Mamindlapelli, S Begum, V Arelli, S Juntupally, S Ahuja, ...
Science of the Total Environment 748, 142462, 2020
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of 4,4′-(aryl or alkyl methylene)-bis(1H-pyrazol-5-ol) derivatives
S Bhavanarushi, V Kanakaiah, G Bharath, A Gangagnirao, J Vatsala Rani
Medicinal chemistry research 23, 158-167, 2014
Anaerobic treatment of pre-hydrolysate liquor (PHL) from a rayon grade pulp mill: pilot and full-scale experience with UASB reactors
AG Rao, AN Bapat
Bioresource technology 97 (18), 2311-2320, 2006
Isolation of Thiobacillus sp from aerobic sludge of distillery and dairy effluent treatment plants and its sulfide oxidation activity at different concentrations
P Ravichandra, G Mugeraya, AG Rao, M Ramakrishna, A Jetty
Journal of Environmental Biology 28 (4), 819, 2007
Microbial conversion of sulfur dioxide in flue gas to sulfide using bulk drug industry wastewater as an organic source by mixed cultures of sulfate reducing bacteria
AG Rao, P Ravichandra, J Joseph, A Jetty, PN Sarma
Journal of Hazardous Materials 147 (3), 718-725, 2007
Generation of bioethanol and VFA through anaerobic acidogenic fermentation route with press mud obtained from sugar mill as a feedstock
K Kuruti, AG Rao, B Gandu, G Kiran, S Mohammad, S Sailaja, YV Swamy
Bioresource technology 192, 646-653, 2015
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