Designing adaptive instruction for teams: A meta-analysis RA Sottilare, C Shawn Burke, E Salas, AM Sinatra, JH Johnston, ... International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 28 (2), 225-264, 2018 | 197 | 2018 |
An updated concept for a Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) RA Sottilare, KW Brawner, AM Sinatra, JH Johnston GIFTtutoring. org, 1-19, 2017 | 157 | 2017 |
The mediating role of presence differs across types of spatial learning in immersive technologies J Parong, KA Pollard, BT Files, AH Oiknine, AM Sinatra, JD Moss, ... Computers in human behavior 107, 106290, 2020 | 83 | 2020 |
Level of immersion affects spatial learning in virtual environments: results of a three-condition within-subjects study with long intersession intervals KA Pollard, AH Oiknine, BT Files, AM Sinatra, D Patton, M Ericson, ... Virtual Reality 24 (4), 783-796, 2020 | 82 | 2020 |
Social fidelity in virtual agents: Impacts on presence and learning AM Sinatra, KA Pollard, BT Files, AH Oiknine, M Ericson, P Khooshabeh Computers in Human Behavior 114, 106562, 2021 | 72 | 2021 |
Creating a team tutor using GIFT SB Gilbert, A Slavina, MC Dorneich, AM Sinatra, D Bonner, J Johnston, ... International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 28, 286-313, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Design recommendations for intelligent tutoring systems: Volume 4-domain modeling RA Sottilare, AC Graesser, X Hu, A Olney, B Nye, AM Sinatra US Army Research Laboratory, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
The challenges of building intelligent tutoring systems for teams D Bonner, S Gilbert, MC Dorneich, E Winer, AM Sinatra, A Slavina, ... Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 60 (1 …, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Evaluation of an intelligent team tutoring system for a collaborative two-person problem: Surveillance A Ostrander, D Bonner, J Walton, A Slavina, K Ouverson, A Kohl, S Gilbert, ... Computers in human behavior 104, 105873, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Individual learner and team modeling for adaptive training and education in support of the US Army Learning Model: Research Outline G Goodwin, J Johnston, R Sottilare, K Brawner, A Sinatra, A Graesser Army Research Laboratory (ARL-SR-0336), 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
A guide to scaffolding and guided instructional strategies for ITSs HK Holden, AM Sinatra Design recommendations for intelligent tutoring systems 2, 265-281, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
The research psychologist’s guide to GIFT AM Sinatra Proceedings of the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium, 85-92, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Analysis of communication, team situational awareness, and feedback in a three-person intelligent team tutoring system KM Ouverson, AG Ostrander, J Walton, A Kohl, SB Gilbert, MC Dorneich, ... Frontiers in Psychology 12, 553015, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Building intelligent tutoring systems for teams: What matters J Johnston, R Sottilare, AM Sinatra, CS Burke Emerald Group Publishing, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Scenarios for training teamwork skills in virtual environments with GIFT RK McCormack, T Kilcullen, AM Sinatra, T Brown, JM Beaubien Proceedings of the Sixth Annual GIFT Users Symposium 6, 189, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
The hidden challenges of team tutor development D Bonner, A Slavina, A MacAllister, J Holub, S Gilbert, AM Sinatra, ... Proceedings of 4th Annual GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSym4), 49-60, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Design recommendations for intelligent tutoring systems: Volume 6-team tutoring RA Sottilare, AC Graesser, X Hu, AM Sinatra US Army Research Laboratory, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
The Impact of Need for Cognition and Self-Reference on Tutoring a Deductive Reasoning Skill AM Sinatra, VK Sims, RA Sottilare Army Research Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Same task, different place: Developing novel simulation environments with equivalent task difficulties BT Files, AH Oiknine, J Thomas, P Khooshabeh, AM Sinatra, KA Pollard Advances in Human Factors and Simulation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 …, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Adaptive instructional systems: the evolution of hybrid cognitive tools and tutoring systems JA DeFalco, AM Sinatra Adaptive Instructional Systems: First International Conference, AIS 2019 …, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |