Miriam Northcutt Bohmert
Miriam Northcutt Bohmert
Потвърден имейл адрес: iu.edu
Evaluating restorative justice circles of support and accountability: Can social support overcome structural barriers?
MN Bohmert, G Duwe, NK Hipple
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 62 (3 …, 2018
Men’s vulnerability to prisoner-on-prisoner sexual violence: A state correctional system case study
M Morash, S Jeong, MN Bohmert, DR Bush
The Prison Journal 92 (2), 290-311, 2012
Interracial friendship and the trajectory of prominority attitudes: Assessing intergroup contact theory
M Northcutt Bohmert, A DeMaris
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18 (2), 225-240, 2015
Minnesota’s affordable homes program: Evaluating the effects of a prison work program on recidivism, employment and cost avoidance
M Northcutt Bohmert, G Duwe
Criminal Justice Policy Review 23 (3), 327-351, 2012
Women at the nexus of correctional and social policies: Implications for recidivism risk
M Morash, DA Kashy, MN Bohmert, JE Cobbina, SW Smith
British Journal of Criminology 57 (2), 441-462, 2017
The role of transportation disadvantage for women on community supervision
M Northcutt Bohmert
Criminal justice and behavior 43 (11), 1522-1540, 2016
Cumulative disadvantage and the role of transportation in community supervision
MN Bohmert, A DeMaris
Crime & Delinquency 64 (8), 1033-1056, 2018
An exploration of female offenders’ memorable messages from probation and parole officers on the self-assessment of behavior from a control theory perspective
J Cornacchione, SW Smith, M Morash, MN Bohmert, JE Cobbina, ...
Journal of Applied Communication Research 44 (1), 60-77, 2016
“A rape was reported”: construction of crime in a university newspaper
M Northcutt Bohmert, K Allison, C Ducate
Feminist Media Studies 19 (6), 873-889, 2019
Education and transition for students with disabilities in American juvenile correctional facilities
TA Ochoa, CC Datchi, NM Weller, M Northcutt Bohmert, D Grubbs
Intervention in School and Clinic 56 (5), 293-300, 2021
Spatial mismatch, race and ethnicity, and unemployment: Implications for interventions with women on probation and parole
AL Roddy, M Morash, M Northcutt Bohmert
Crime & Delinquency 68 (12), 2175-2199, 2022
Tracking methods and retention for a longitudinal sample of alcohol‐and drug‐involved women on probation and parole
M Northcutt Bohmert, KM Hoskins, M Morash
Journal of Community Psychology 47 (5), 1064-1077, 2019
Desires and desirability of volunteers in CoSA programs
M Gilliam, M Novak, M Northcutt Bohmert, G Duwe
Sexual Abuse 33 (4), 406-433, 2021
Access to transportation and outcomes for women on probation and parole
M Northcutt Bohmert
Unpublished doctoral dissertation Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2015
Impacts of incarceration on children and families
MN Bohmert, S Wakefield
Handbook on the consequences of sentencing and punishment decisions, 143-160, 2018
Access to transportation and outcomes for women on probation and parole
MN Bohmert
Michigan State University, 2014
Patterns of Compliance and Noncompliance During Probation: Identifying Pathways to Probation Revocation
EM Lowder, M Northcutt Bohmert, CL Diaz, M Ying, E Grommon, ...
Crime & Delinquency 71 (1), 35-58, 2025
The hidden practice of utilizing bonds to cover legal financial obligations
CL Diaz, M Ying, MN Bohmert, J Meckes, M Farrell
Federal Sentencing Reporter 34 (2-3), 119-127, 2022
Gra ti with a Purpose: Sexual Violence and Social Justice Conversations in University Bathroom Stalls
RE Green, MN Bohmert, AN Gesselman, R Mowatt, J Maher, JR Garcia
Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology 6 (1), 2018
A rapid review of literature on factors associated with adult probation revocations
CL Diaz, S Rising, E Grommon, M Northcutt Bohmert, EM Lowder
Corrections 9 (5), 641-668, 2024
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