Pavlína Látková
Pavlína Látková
Потвърден имейл адрес: sfsu.edu
Residents’ attitudes toward existing and future tourism development in rural communities
P Látková, CA Vogt
Journal of travel research 51 (1), 50-67, 2012
The relationship between leisure and life satisfaction: Application of activity and need theory
A Rodríguez, P Látková, YY Sun
Social indicators research 86, 163-175, 2008
Tour guides’ roles and their perceptions of tourism development in Cuba
P Látková, E Jordan, C Vogt, M Everette, C Aquino
Tourism and Cuba, 137-153, 2020
Do travelers support green practices and sustainable development
P Tierney, M Hunt, P Latkova
Journal of Tourism Insights 2 (2), 5, 2011
An Examination of Factors Predicting Residents' Support for Tourism Development
P Latkova
ProQuest, 2008
Urban park soundscapes: Association of noise and danger with perceived restoration
JD Wilson, N McGinnis, P Latkova, P Tierney, A Yoshino
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 34 (3), 2016
American tourists in Cuba: Is the communist country a forbidden or a tainted fruit?
J Wilson, P Látková
Tourism and Hospitality Research 16 (1), 6-18, 2016
Image of the United States as a travel destination: a case study of United Kingdom college students
SH Park, P Latkova, S Nicholls
Proceedings of the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium: April 9 …, 2007
Development of Latino Youth: Implications for Park and Recreation Programs and Services
A Rodríguez, D Larsen, P Látková, S & Mertel
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 30 (1), 2012
Examining social capital in the conference setting: A case study of college student participants
P Látková, HCJ Wu, RD Paulsen
SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education 24 (1), 38-49, 2009
American tourists’ pre-and post-trip image of Cuba as a travel destination
P Látková, W Jackson
Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies 1 (3), 29, 2016
Off-leash recreation in an urban national recreation area: Conflict between domesticated dogs, wildlife and semi-domesticated humans
J Wilson, A Yoshino, P Latkova
Domestic animals, humans, and leisure, 63-81, 2018
Changes in volunteerism perception: Results from an international service learning case study
R Wilson, P Látková, A Yoshino, E Sheffield
SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education 37 (3), 123-133, 2022
Understanding coastal tourists' behavioral intentions toward nature-based experiences
L Jackowitz, P Latkova, P Tierney, J Strebel
Journal of Tourism Insights 7 (1), 6, 2016
Active transportation among elementary-aged students: walking or biking to and from school
W Knollenberg, P Latkova, C Vogt, A Rodriguez
In: Klenosky, David B.; Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc, eds. Proceedings of the 2008 …, 2009
Impact of Changing US-Cuba Relations on Push and Pull Travel Motivations of American Tourists to Cuba
P Látková
Journal of tourism and leisure studies 4 (1), 1, 2019
Do Socio-Economics Influence Access to Open Space? A Case Study from Michigan
S Nicholls, P Latkova
Open Space Planning and Design for Social Inclusion. Conference Proceedings …, 0
Resilient Heritage Quechua Community Perspectives on Tourism as an Adaptive Strategy to Climate Change
J Huinder, P Latkova, LA Hennessy
Achieving Sustainable Transformation in Tourism and Hospitality Sectors, 238-257, 2024
Impacts of Participation in Socially Responsible Tourism on Tourist’s Attitudes and Future Behavior: Amazon Watch Journey to Ecuador
H Duplaisir, P Latkova, W Jackson, M Everette
Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies 3 (2), 1, 2019
Impacts of participation in socially responsible tourism on tourist's attitudes and future behavior.
H Duplaisir, P Latkova, J Wilson, M Everette
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