Mohamed Al Maghraby
Mohamed Al Maghraby
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University - College of Applied Medical Sciences- Physical Therapy
Потвърден имейл адрес: iau.edu.sa - Начална страница
Learning style and teaching method preferences of Saudi students of physical therapy
MAAMAM Alshami
Journal of Family and Community Medicine 20 (3), 192-197, 2013
Isometric force dynamometer is superior to Bromage score in prediction of patients’ ambulation after spinal anesthesia in ambulatory surgeries
TABWFM Roshdi R. Al-Metwalli, Hany A. Mowafi, Haitham A. Abouzaid, Mohammed ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 116, 312-316, 2013
Effectiveness of Laser Acupoint Therapy and Exercise Program on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Response in Mild Essential Hypertensive Patients
HMHMAA Maghraby
Bulletin of Egyptian Society for Physiological Sciences 30 (2), 229-244, 2010
Maximum Respiratory Pressure in relation to Practice Respiratory Muscle Training Program in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients
MA Al Maghraby, MA El-Noueam, AA Bahnassy
Bull. Fac. Ph. Th. Cairo Univ 12 (2), 31-43, 2007
Corridor and real-time 6-minute walk tests in healthy young adults: A randomized cross-over study
MAE Mohamed A. Al Maghraby, Ali M. Alshami, Qassim I. Muaidi, Turki S ...
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 19 (June 2024), Pages 637-643, 2024
Effect of Obesity on Exercise Capacity in Asthmatic Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
WAMAAM Khalid S Alshahrani, Abdulfattah S Alqahtani
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research 11, 1521-1526, 2021
Effect of Continuous Exercise versus Interval Exercise Programs on Selected Parameters of Metabolic Syndrome
MAA Maghraby
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 77 (2), 99-109, 2009
Maximum Respiratory Pressure in relation to Practice Respiratory Muscle Training Program in Asthmatic Patients
MAA Maghraby
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 77 (1), 675-683, 2009
Exercise Tolerance Level in relation to Practice Short-Term Exercise Program in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Stable Myocardial Infarction
MAA Maghraby
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 76 (4), 7-15, 2008
Role of Supervised Exercise Program on Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Stable Chronic Heart Failure
MA Al Maghraby, MA El-Noueam, SM El-Tahan
Bull. Fac. Ph. Th. Cairo Univ 12 (2), 45-59, 2007
Effect of pelvic floor exercises and faradic current stimulation in elderly males with idiopathic detrusor over-activity
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 75 (1), 11-21, 2007
Dyspnea and exercise tolerance in relation to exercise program in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
MAAM Ibrahim M
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 74 (4), 127-136, 2006
Bone mineral density level in relation to practice a regular exercise program in idiopathic osteopenic elderly men
MAA Maghraby
Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal 12 (2), 89-99, 2006
Balance control readjustment in elderly patients with proprioceptive dysfunction
MAA Maghraby
Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal 12 (1), 185-198, 2006
Effects of regular exercise program in patients with intermittent claudication
MAA Maghraby
The Medical Journal of Cairo University 73 (4), 913-922, 2005
Effect of short-term exercise program on arterial blood pressure level in mild essentially hypertensive patients
MAA Maghraby
Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal 10 (5), 203-211, 2004
Effect of Short-Term Exercise Program on Exercise Tolerance in Uncomplicated Type 2 Diabetic Patients
MAA Maghraby
Bull. Fac. Ph. Th. Cairo Univ 9 (2), 117-122, 2004
The effect of exercise program on the cardiovascular tolerance in stable coronary artery diseased patients
MAA Maghraby
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy-Cairo University 8 (2), 155-168, 2003
Effect of Therapeutic Exercises on Cardiac Axis; Left Hemiplegic Patients
MR Mohamed A Al Maghraby, Hussaini N
Medical Journal for Teaching Hospitals & Institutes 4, 2002
Effect of short-term pulmonary rehabilitation program on pulmonary functions in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy
MAA Maghraby
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy-Cairo University 7 (1), 2002
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